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Available Reports

Here is a full list of Reports that are available in Nucleus. Please just note that if you wish to create a Custom Report for your instance, you need to submit a support ticket.

Entry Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Entry List DownloadA spreadsheet of the key entry data as displayed on your Entry List (Via Actions > Entries)
Full Data Entry DownloadAn expanded spreadsheet containing all of the data supplied by all of your entries. It can also be accessed via Actions > Entries.Entry Data Download
Organisation Entry SummaryExports a report which details the number of Unsubmitted, Submitted and Approved categories by organisation (Via Actions > Misc > Custom Reports)Entry Data Download
Report on Entries Across All AwardsIt is a report which enables admin users to select one or more organisations and export data for all of the entries they have submitted across all awards.Reports on Entries Across All Awards
Matching Entry Titles ReportThis (optional) feature runs an algorithm which determines if the entry title provided for one entry is a likely match for any of the other entry titles already submitted. This feature is useful for admin users who are interested in identifying duplicated entries.Matching Entries Titles Report
Entry List Download actioned by EntrantsThis option enables an Entrant who has made multiple entries to download a CSV file of ALL their entries from their Dashboard.
How to Enable Entrants to Download a Spreadsheet of all their Entries
Cross Awards ReportWith this report Admins can create a completely bespoke Report using a range of special values and Entry Data from multiple projects. This Report is unique as data are taken from multiple questions and can be combined into one column. Admins can choose the column in which data is exported.How to Create Custom Entry Reports

Registration Form Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Entry Data DownloadA spreadsheet of the key entry data as displayed on your Registration FormHow to customise the Entrant Registration Form
Entry Data Download

Media Items Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Media Item List DownloadAn expanded spreadsheet containing key entry data as displayed on your Media Items list. It can also be accessed via Actions > Media Items.
Entry Attachment DownloadA zip file containing all the additional materials that have been uploaded by entrants as a single zip file. Via Actions > MiscBulk Downloading Supporting Files Uploaded by Entrants

Invoices and Payment Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Invoices DownloadA spreadsheet of the data as displayed on your Invoices List (Via Actions > Invoices)
Invoice Data ExportA customised spreadsheet of invoices based on a number of different pre-set options (Via Actions > Misc)Options for Setting Finance Reports
Invoice Breakdown ReportThis is a list page that details the individual line items for each invoice. The table can be filtered using the options in the table header and then exported using the download button. (Via Actions > Misc)
Check for Invoice DiscrepanciesAn on-screen summary of any instances where invoices issued do not agree with current pricing structures (Via Actions > Misc)
Report on Invoices that include a Discount CodeNucleus has an optional functionality that enables Admin users to easily create Discount Codes for Entrants to apply at the checkout during payment. In this report, Discounts are also included in the Invoice Data Export.How to Create a Discount Code that Selected Entrants can use at the Checkout

Viewing Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Viewer DownloadA spreadsheet of data as displayed on your Viewers List, including scoring progress if filtered (Via Actions > Viewers)
Viewer Score DownloadA spreadsheet of all the Scores and Comments supplied by your Viewers in the Award you select (Via Actions > Misc)Generate Report on Viewer Score
How to Customise the Data on your Viewer Score Download
Viewer Activity LogOn screen and a spreadsheet of an individual Viewer’s actions (Via Actions > Viewers > Actions > Activity Log)
View Download LogOn screen and a spreadsheet of an individual Viewer’s viewing and downloading activity (Via Actions > Viewers > Actions > View/Download Log)

Voting Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Viewer Voting DownloadA spreadsheet of all the Votes casted by your Viewers in the Award you select (Via Actions > Misc). It includes both in progress and submitted votes.

Users Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Users DownloadA spreadsheet of all the Users with front end accounts on your platform (Via Actions > Users)
User Action LogOn screen and a spreadsheet of an individual User’s actions (Via Actions > Users > Actions > Activity Log)

Admin Users Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Admin Users DownloadA spreadsheet of all the Admin Users with back end accounts on your platform (Via Actions > Admin Users)

Site-Wide/All Activity Reports

reportinformationrelated GUIDES
Action LogOn screen and spreadsheet report of all actions taken across the site that affect data (Via Actions > Misc)
Audit LogOn screen and spreadsheet report of all page requests taken across the site. Contains more granular detail than the Action Log (Via Actions > Misc)