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How to Customise the Entrant Registration Form

Nucleus provides Entrants with a self registration process which means user can create accounts without any interaction from Admin user. As BAFTA Tech understands that each Award/Bursary/Application instance has a unique audience and set of requirements we provide the functionality for admin users to define the question sets that appear on the form. During the Instance scoping sessions a Support Representative will work with you to curate the Registration Form, however, there may be times when you wish to update the questions that appear on the form. This can be actioned at any time and the following customisations are available:

  • Display the billing details to entrants
  • Choose which fields to show on the registration form
  • Specify which fields on the registration form are mandatory or optional

How to Enable/Disable the Billing Section on the Registration Form

For instances that take payment there is an option to turn on an additional billing section. This enables companies to supply a different billing address that will be included on teh invoice if their billing address is different to the office address provided. All of the fields in the Billing Section are optional, but if completed, these fields will take precedence of the Company Address fields and will be included on the invoice instead. If this is left blank the Company Address will appear as normal.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  4. Search for Billing address on registration
  5. Click on Edit on the right of the table
  6. In the value input field type:
    1. No if you do not wish to display this section
    2. Leave the input field blank if you do wish to display this section
  7. Click Save & Close to update the settings

How to Set the Fields on the Registration Form

Outside of the Billing Section admin users can define, to an extent, which fields appear to entrant users when they register for an account. The controllable fields are:

  • Job title
  • Company
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Town City
  • Postcode
  • County
  • Country
  • Primary phone number
  • Alternative mobile number
  • Alternative phone number
  • Alternative email
  • Main activity – A textbox which states “Main activity or business purpose of the organization entering these awards”

To update the fields:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  4. Search for Hide entrant registration fields
  5. To remove fields from the registration form add them to the Value field as comma separated, eg. Company, Address 1, Address 2, etc.
  6. To add fields to the registration form that are hidden remove them from the Value field
  7. When complete click Save & Close and the fields will be immediately visible

In addition there are two further fields which are hidden unless requested:

  • Confirm Email
  • Social Media Handle

To request these fields for your instance registration form please submit a support ticket stating which is required and for which instance.

Note – It is not possible to edit the following fields as these are core requirements of the system:

  • Organisation type
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm password

How to Specify Which Fields are Mandatory or Optional on the Registration Form

In addition to hiding fields on the entry form it is possible to decide if the following fields are mandatory or optional for entrants to complete:

  • Job title
  • County
  • Country
  • Main activity

Note – Currently it is not possible to edit any additional fields.

How to Enable Registration Screen Checkboxes

Nucleus provides the facility for admins to turn on up to three checkboxes as part of the entrant registration form. Theses were designed for GDPR purposes (see section 2 in the GDPR Guide), however, due to the flexibility in admins being able to edit the text they can be used for any purpose admin require. The data entered by entrants is fully reportable.

To enable the check boxes please submit a support ticket requesting that the Registration Checkboxes are enabled, including the required instance name.

Once the feature is enabled then the checkboxes are easily managed via the CMS. To turn them on:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Select CMS under the System Administration heading
  4. In the Label column search for the following values:
    1. registration: dpa1 text
    2. registration: dpa2 text
    3. registration: dpa3 text
  5. Click on edit
  6. A screen with a text editor will appear
  7. Enter the relevant copy
  8. Click Save and Close

Note – Not all of the check boxes need to be used. If you wish to display fewer checkboxes then ensure the copy for one of the dpa files is empty. It is recommended that if you wish to use fewer than three check boxes that the dpa fields which larger numbers are left empty.

How to Report the Data from the Registration for Checkboxes

There are three reports that export the data form the check boxes on the registration form:

  1. Entry Data Download Extended Data – Go to Actions>Misc, click on Entry Data Download and select Extended Data in the Export Mode dropdown
  2. Entry Data Download Finance and Extended Data – Go to Actions>Misc, click on Entry Data Download and select Finance and Extended Data in the Export Mode dropdown
  3. The Download Report on the Users Page – Go to Actions>Users, Filter the table for the required users and click the Download button