Bulk Download Supporting Files Uploaded by Entrants
Admin users have different options to download additional materials that have been uploaded by entrants as a single zip file to avoid downloading each file individually from the entry form. Admins can do this at any stage of your award via the Entry Attachment Download Function. When the download is run the process will compile all the source files that have been supplied into a Zip File using the EFS function in AWS and stored for 24 hours. Admins must download the zip files within this time limit or they will be deleted and the process will need to be rerun. This rule is in place as the zip files can contain video files which can result in large amounts of data. There is an AWS cost implication to running this process so please do consider this before exporting large amounts of data.
There are two options that can be used to export the assets, which are both described below:
- Exporting assets for ALL entries in an award
- Exporting assets for SELECTED entries in an award
In addition there is a function that allows admins to select specific entries to download as opposed to exporting all of the assets for an award.
Before you begin running the process make sure that the admin/misc/attachmentDownloadReady has been set up correctly. The template will need to contain the following special values:
- @@downloadurl@@ – this is the link to the zip file
- @@expiry@@ – this will inform the user of the date time when the zip file will be deleted
For more information about email templates review the email template guide.
How to run the Entry Attachment Download for All Entries in an Award
To run the export process:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Under Reports select Entry Attachment Download
- In the Award Menu at the top of the page select the award you require
- Enter the relevant dates you require in the Created after, Submitted after, or Approved after field to reduce the selection of the files, if left blank all files will be exported
- Select the Status of the Nominations for which you wish to download attachments ie. Submitted, Unsubmitted, Approved or Any.
- The zip file can be downloaded with four ‘Layouts’ or file structures. Choose which works best for you.
- Enter a Password to password protect the zip file
- If you wish to export answers to specific questions only check the boxes next to the questions in the Questions to include section. If left blank all questions will be exported
- Click Generate Download
- Nucleus will inform you of the number of files that will be exported
- Once the zip file is generated an email will be sent to the admin user that generated the report. Note this can take some time depending on the number and size of the files that are being exported
- When the zip file is ready, an email will be triggered using the admin/misc/attachmentDownloadReady template and sent to you.
- Click on the link in the email. Please note that the link to download it expires 24 hours after you requested the files
- Log in to Nucleus using your email and password
- Download all Zip Files
Note – in an event where a file is larger than 10GB the download is broken up into multiple zip files. The first file in the list is an index and the subsequent files contain the actual data. All files must be saved to the same folder in your local storage. It will not be possible to access the files until all zip files have been downloaded.
How to run the Entry Attachment Download for Selected Entries
Before running this process make sure that the Mass Actions are enabled for the award. To enable this please read the following guide.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Please ensure that the right Award has been selected from the drop-down at the top of the page. Change it as required
- Go to Actions>Entries
- In the top left of the entries table click on the Action dropdown and select Media Download
- Checkboxes will appear in the Actions column next to each entry
- Select all the entries where you wish to export the assets. You can use the filters to search for and find the relevant entries
- Once all the entries have been selected click on the OK button which appears just below the actions drop down
- In the lightbox a message will confirm the selected entries. Please check this is correct
- The zip file can be downloaded with four ‘Layouts’ or file structures. Choose which works best for you
- Enter a Password to password protect the zip file
- Type I AM SURE and click Continue to generate the download
- Nucleus will inform you of the number of files that will be exported
- Once the zip file is generated an email will be sent to the admin user that generated the report. Note this can take some time depending on the number and size of the files that are being exported
- When the zip file is ready, an email will be triggered using the admin/misc/attachmentDownloadReady template and will be sent to you
- Log in to Nucleus again
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Under Reports select Entry Attachment Download
- Download all Zip Files
Note – Please note that using professional Zip programmes is always highly recommended, as the free native Windows Zip Programme does not always show the exported files.