Customising your Entry List
You can customise your Entry List to display as much, or as little, information as you require to give you the best possible at-a-glance snapshot of your current entries.
The Entry List has a number of different filtering and display options to enable you to drill down to any specific Entry, or group of Entries, you need to see.
Show Deleted Entries: You can select whether your Entry List includes any Deleted entries, alongside the currently live entries
Submitted From / Until: You can select to only display Entries Submitted between a particular date range
Approved From / Until: You can select to only display Entries Approved between a particular date range
Sort By: You can order the entries in Ascending or Descending order according to the answers any selection by i) Answering positively to the setting Include on Entry List for Admin ii) And then answering Yes to the subsequent Sortable field on any Question’s settings page
Entry ID: Upon creation each entry form is issued with a unique Entry ID which starts on 1 and cycles upwards. These numbers are issued as entries are created and do not pertain to an individual award, meaning each Entry ID is unique.
Show: The list defaults to displaying 50 entries but this can be changed to fewer or greater (up to 2000 entries) using the Show column on the far right.
The Entry List is populated with the most recently Submitted entries the top. The submission date will be listed below the entry ID. If an entry is resubmitted for any reason the date will change to the most recent submission date.
Static columns
The following columns are always present on the entry list: Entry Title, Status, Admin owner, Category.
Entry Title
You can search for an individual Entry by typing its Entry Title here.
Entries can occupy three different statuses as follows:
An entry will be in this state if it has been created by the entrant and not yet submitted i.e. they have begun filling in the form but it is not finished; or if it has been unsubmitted by admin users. In this state entrants can edit their entries.
Once an entrant has completed their form, they will submit it which locks the entry so that it can no longer be amended by the entrant. Submission also triggers an (editable) email to the entrant containing a PDF version of the entry form. Admin controls are only available in the submitted status so it is at this stage the entry is checked.
Entries that have been checked by admin users can be moved into the approved state. Entrants are sent an additional confirmation email (unless this template is disabled, see section on Approval Email).
You can filter your Entry List to only show those from one of the three statuses. Or keep on the default ‘Any‘ to show entries from all of the above statuses.
Entry status can also be filtered by colour. The colour is dependent on the checks that have taken place on the form itself (see Individual Approvals, below):
- Red – Admin users have flagged a Problem with the entry. Red overrules all other colours
- Orange – Admin users have flagged that they are querying this entry. Orange overrules green & blue
- Green – Entry has been approved by admin users and there are no problems
- Blue – Entry is in the process of being checked by admin user
- Grey – Entry has not yet been checked
Admin Owner
Each entry is assigned to the admin user who first checks the entry. Entries that are assigned to admin users will appear in their section on the Dashboard. They can also be filtered on the entry list by using the Admin Owner filter.
Shows the admin user quickly which category the entry has been placed into. This can be filtered to only see one category at a time.
Adding more columns on the Entry List
If you need additional data – based on specific answers given on the submission form – to appear on the Entry List and any subsequent report export, you can do this by making the following adjustment to the corresponding question.
- Go to Actions > Question List
- The Question List opens. Scroll to find the specific question that corresponds to the answer/data you need to display on the Entry List. Click on Edit in the far right hand Actions column that appears alongside it.
- The settings and parameters for that Question open. Scroll down to the Options section. For the setting Include On Entry List for Admin, select the number which will define which column position you want it to appear on the Entry List.
- You will also be asked if you want the Entry List to be Sortable by this new data column. Select Yes if you do.
- Click Save and Close. This column will now appear on your Entry List.