Deciding which Dependency to use
Dependencies is the functionality on the entry form which allows admin users to define if a question should be shown or hidden based on entrants answers to previous questions. Using dependencies admin users can choose when to display input fields ensuring that the correct data is submitted. To test this at any time, you can access this form.
Below is a list of the dependency options available to admin users:
- Between (inclusive) – for number range and date range answers
- Contains any of – if ANY of the answers provided match ANY of the values set here
- ie. unlike ‘Contains all of’, for when you have multiple answers and you want to include at least ONE or MORE of them
- Contains all of – if ALL of the answers provided match ALL of the values set here
- ie. for when you have multiple answers and you want to include them ALL
- Doesn’t contain all of – question will appear UNLESS the preceding question includes ALL of the multiple answers indicated
- Doesn’t contain any of – question will appear UNLESS the preceding question includes ONE OR MORE of the multiple answers indicated
- Doesn’t start with – for numbers and name/word-based answers. Input a common letter/s or word/s or number that the answer MUST NOT begin with, for the question to appear
- Doesn’t end with – for numbers and name/word-based answers. Input a common letter/s or word/s that the answer MUST NOT end with, for the question to appear
- Ends with – for numbers and name/word-based answers. Input a common letter/s or word/s that the answer must end with
- Equals – answer provided must match the value set here
- Greater than – for a number or date based answer. Input the minimum number that the answer must exceed
- Greater than or equal to – for a number or date based answer. Input the lowest possible number that will be allowed
- Is empty – No answer is provided to the earlier question
- Is not visible – if the question that this dependency is set is not currently visible on the entry form then this question will appear
- Is visible – if the question that this dependency is set is currently visible on the entry from then this question will appear
- Item not selected – if your preceding question is a Select question, use this to stipulate which if the Select answers must NOT be chosen for this question to appear
- Item selected – if your preceding question is a Select question, use this to stipulate which of the Select answers must be chosen for this question to appear
- Less than – for a number based answer. Input the maximum number that the answer must be less than
- Less than or equal to – for a number based answer. Input the highest possible number that will be allowed
- Mandatory fields complete – it will display the question when all the visible mandatory fields on the form have answers. Please note that this needs to be based on ITSELF (selected from the first column)
- Not empty – Any answer is provided to the early question
- Not equal to – the opposite of equals. So any answer which does not exactly match the answer indicated will enable the question
- Outside – a number range or date range answer. Input the range of numbers or dates that ARE NOT ALLOWED. Every other number of date outside of this range will therefore enable the question to appear
- Set but not equal to – any answer which does not exactly match the answer indicated will enable the question
- Starts with – for numbers and name/word-based answers. Input a common letter/s or word/s that the answer must begin with
- String contains any – it’s case sensitive. Input some sensitive words as a value. This functionality will search for those words, no matter what their position is in a sentence, and hide/display the dependent question
- ITSELF – requires a Default answer (by the Admin) to be entered for the Question to appear to the entrant. If the Default answer does not appear or is deleted, the Question will not appear