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Emails Sent Automatically to Viewers

The following email templates are triggered to be sent automatically to Viewers.
When creating a new award, always check that the default wording of these templates and edit them as you require. A default template is created automatically for each email type. This email will be sent in all cases unless a template is defined for an award. To stop any email being sent out, review this guide.

templatedescriptionrelated guides
viewer/contactAn email is triggered when Admins contact individual Viewers.
viewer/forgottenPasswordAn email is triggered when a Viewer click the “Reset your password” link. It contains a link to reset the password.
viewer/mfaIn Nucleus you can set up Multi-Factor Authentication. This email is triggered if you set up the Email as a MFA option. It contains a 6-digit code which is send to a specified email address.– Multi Factor Authentication for Entrants, Admins, Judges and Viewers
viewer/unsubmitScoresCommentsIn Nucleus you can allow Viewers to submit scores and comments. If this functionality is switched on, an email is triggered if a Viewer clicks the link to Unsubmit their Scores and/or Comments, so they may edit them.Setting up scores and comments for judges
viewer/welcomeIt is triggered when an Admin create a Viewer account for the Viewing Portal. Contains their user name and a randomly-generated password which they are welcome to update once they have logged in.
voting/thankYouIt is triggered when a Viewer completes the Voting process.