Encouraging entrants to pay immediately upon submission
You may prefer to keep entrants’ entry invoice open until they have completed all of their entries – in order to streamline your paperwork and invoicing processes. However, if you would prefer to raise an invoice as soon as they have completed each entry, then the following functionality gives them this option:
The Invoice Preview on the screen that appears immediately after each entry is submitted features buttons to Continue to payment, Return to dashboard or Create a new entry beneath. |

The purpose of this functionality is to strike a balance – encouraging those entrants who intend to pay immediately to do so by showing them the current balance they owe and including a very visible option to complete their transaction, while also giving them the option to make further entries or pay later if that suits them.
If you prefer your entrants to pay immediately, you should customise the invoice preview footer CMS text seen above to include that instruction.
To edit this piece of CMS, go to:
1. Go to CMS
2. Type Invoice Preview Footer in the Content field.
3. When this piece of CMS is displayed, click Edit.
4. The Edit Existing CMS page opens. Type in your required message in the Content field.
5. Save and Close.