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How Entrants Can Review Submitted Entries

In Nucleus, Entrants can see a preview of the form directly from their Dashboard once an entry has been submitted.

How to See a Read-Only Version of a Submitted Entry

To access a preview of the form, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Entrant Interface
  2. Once you’re logged in, the main Dashboard opens
  3. Click on ‘My submitted entries’ to filter your entries
  4. Choose the entry you wish to see
  5. Click on the three dots to the right under the Actions column
  6. Select ‘View Entry’. This will display a live version of the entry form as it was submitted

Note – If required, from this page entrants can print a PDF using their browser’s native PDF generator.

How to send Entrants a Link to a Preview of their Submitted Entry

Once someone submits an entry, a direct link to the read-only version of the form can be included in the submission emails. To set this up, Admin Users will just need to include a new value in the entry/submit email template:

  • @@entryUrl@@ – this is the link to the preview of the form

Please review this guide to see how to manage email templates and make sure to edit the body of the email as required.