How to allow entry to multiple categories on the same form
If you want your entrants to be able to enter into multiple categories on the same form, you must select the correct ‘Test’ on your Category Criteria. Using the incorrect Test will result in entries either only being allowed into the first one of the categories selected, or none at all.
For example, if the Test ‘Equals’ is used on a Category and an entrant selects multiple categories they will actually be entered into NONE of them. This is because the Test ‘Equals’ means that they must only select that particular Category and nothing else in order to be placed in that Category. Failure to select just that Category will not only mean they are not placed in that Category, but also they will not be placed in any of the other Categories either.
To enable placement in multiple Categories, you must do the following:
- Go to Actions > Categories and click to Edit each of the required Categories.
- Scroll down to the Criteria section.
- In the Question drop-down, select the relevant Category Select question (or however you have named it).
- In the Test drop-down, select ‘Contains Any Of‘.
- In the Value column, type the name of the particular Category you are editing here.
- Save and Close.
Repeat this for all of the Categories you want to allow to entry to alongside other Categories in the same submission.
The ‘Contains Any of‘ Test enables you to select that particular category without excluding the addition of other categories at the same time.