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How to allow late entries

Once your award project has closed for entry, front end users and applicants will no longer be able to create entries from the entrant side of the site. However, there may be occasions where you need wish to permit them to do so. Nucleus has a new feature called Create New Entries, which replaces Entry Tokens, enabling you as an admin user to create unsubmitted entries in the users account which they can then edit and submit before the Submission deadline.

How to Create New Entries for An Entrant

  1. Go to the Awards Overview menu and select Organisations
  2. Search for the Organisation whose details you wish to update by typing into the Name column.
  3. Select Edit under the actions column
  4. Scroll down to the Create new entries section:
  • Select the relevant Award
  • Specify the number of entries you wish to create. This should be a whole number such as 2 or 10
  • Select the Recipient within the organisation in whose account the entries will be created
  • Click Create Entries and an email will be send to the user informing them the entries have been created within their account from the template organisation/createEntries

Important: Once you have issued the token, you must also go back to the Awards set-up page and manually extend:

Last Submit Date – otherwise the token holder will be able to create their entry but not actually submit it.

Last Pay Date – if your award takes payment for entries, otherwise the token holder will not be charged for their entry. 

Also note the user needs to have created a Nucleus account before you can generate the entries.

Setting up the organisation/createEntries Email Template

You will need to add a subject and copy to the email template before it will send. When creating copy for the template you will need to consider that the purpose is to inform the entrant that you have created new entries for them post deadline and if they wish to submit them for consideration then they need to submit them before the deadline. To assist you in delivering this information the following special values have ben created:

@@numberEntries@@ – displays the number of entries created.

@@site_url@@ – displays the site url so the user can log into the Nucleus Instance.

@@award_lastSubmitDate@@ – displays the Awards submission deadline so you can inform entrants of the deadline.

For more information on setting up email templates you can read the guide.