How to Create a Customised Entry Report Card
Admins can create customised documents which are populated with data entered on the forms by entrants. The files can then be exported in zip files for processes outside of Nucleus. The files can be Spreadsheet (xls/xlsx) or Documents (doc/docx). Admins create a template, which is uploaded, and then they can download the report cards when required.
This functionality has many different use cases:
- To generate a certificate using entry data
- To provide selected entry data to users who do not have access to Nucleus
- To present selected entry data in a more readable format than that of the export reports
How to Enable Entry Report Cards
The functionality is available in all instances but must be switched on before it can be used.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Configuration Values below the System Administration heading
- Search for Customised Entry Reports
- Click Edit
- Enter Yes for the Value
- Click Save and Close
How to Create a Template
Templates are completely bespoke and created by admins. Using any Spreadsheet or Document management product admins can supply any copy that is required.
For example, if you wish to create a text document that is populated by values on the form then create a doc/docx document and type copy as normal. Where data from the entry form is required this must appear between double dollar signs, then the internal question name, followed by double dollar signs:
- $$Internal Question Name$$
There are also a range of Special Values that can be included as part of the exported document. This is metadata that Nucleus holds on and around the entry which is not an answer to a question. For example, entry ID, submission date, approval date etc. These are included in the same way as questions:
- $$entryId$$
Note – a full list of special values available for use in the report card is listed below.
The same functions apply to a spreadsheet document. The only difference is the file type that is exported. A doc file will output a doc file and the spreadsheet file will output a spreadsheet file.
How to Upload an Entry Report Card
Once you have completed the template and are ready to upload the document follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Click on Customised Entry Report Template in the Reports section
- Click Add
- Enter a Name so that you can identify the report card
- Click on Choose File and select the template to upload
- Click on Save and Close
- The template will then be uploaded and is ready for use
Note – there are no limits to the number of report cards that can be uploaded
How to Generate Entry Report Cards
Once the template has been uploaded you are ready to create the report cards using entry data. Before following the instructions, make sure you have turned on Mass Functions for Entries and that at least one entry has been created, ideally in a submitted state.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Entries
- On the top left of the entry checking table click on the Action Drop Down
- Select Create Entry Report Card
- Check the boxes for all entries for which you wish to create a report card
- In the pop-up select the Report Card Template
- Type I AM SURE into the text field
- Click Continue
- The reports will now be generated at 2 per minute. If many entries have been selected then the generation can take some time. An email will be sent when the report is ready. See below to increase the speed at which reports are created
- When you receive the confirmation email, the report cards are ready to download
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Click on Customised Entry Report in the Reports section
- All reports ran in the last 7 days will be available to download
- Click on Download next to the relevant report and a zip file will be saved to the location you select
- Open the zip file to see the individual reports
Note – there are no limits on the number of times this functionality can be run. If an entry is missed in the selection process then it can be run again.
If you wish to update the copy of the email then you need to amend the admin/misc/entryReportCardAttachmentDownloadReady template. The email template guide details how to edit templates.
How to Increase the Number of Reports Generated per Minute
The number of reports generated per minute is 2 as standard. Nucleus offers the opportunity to increase this, however, note if the number is set too high then the functionality will break. We recommend leaving this set to 2 unless you have a workflow that requires more files to be created.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Configuration Values below the System Administration heading
- Search for Create entry reports in 1 minute
- Click Edit
- Enter the number of reports that you wish to be generated per minute for the Value
- Click Save and Close
Special Values List
The following special values can be included in the report card:
- entryId
- entry_categories
- entry_approvedAt
- entry_approvedBy
- entry_assignedToAdministrator
- entry_adminNotes
- entry_createdAt
- entry_submittedAt
- entry_status
- user_firstName
- user_lastName
- user_jobTitle
- user_phone
- user_alternateMobile
- user_alternatePhone
- user_email
- user_alternateEmail
- user_twitterHandle
- user_dpa1
- user_dpa2
- user_dpa3
- organisation_name
- organisation_address1
- organisation_address2
- organisation_townCity
- organisation_postcode
- organisation_country
- organisation_vatRegistered
- organisation_vatNumber
- organisation_mainActivity
- organisation_billingName
- organisation_billingEmail
- organisation_billingPhone
- organisation_billingOrganisationName
- organisation_billingAddress1
- organisation_billingAddress2
- organisation_billingTownCity
- organisation_billingPostcode
- organisation_billingCountry
- award_id
- award_financeNominalCode
- award_financeCompanyCode
- award_financeDepartmentCode
- award_name, entry_batchId
- batch_poNumber
- batch_status
- batch_netTotal
- batch_vatAmount
- batch_total
- batch_paymentTransactionId
- batch_paidAt
- batch_createdAt