How to Create Entries by Uploading a CSV File
Nucleus is designed to allow a group of external Users to submit data via Entry Forms created by Admin Users. The main assumption here is that the required data is held by Users from outside of the Organisation. There are, however, occasions where Admins do have the data and want to be able to create Entries in bulk. This could be because the project is not an open submission process, and instead the workflow for the project only requires the use of the Viewing Interface, Scoring, Voting or Jury Functionality. Another example might be that the data has already been gathered by other means, such as Admins identify Entries that they want to include in the Awards process and do not want to request an external User to submit the entry.
Creating each individual Entry in this instance can therefore be time consuming for the Admin Users, as this would typically be outsourced to the Entrant User, and the form design is there to provide Entrants with key information and to validate the answers provided. Admins do not need this functionary, as they will be providing the key data. Nucleus supports this workflow by allowing Admins to upload a CSV file of data which is used to instantly create multiple Entries in one process.
How to Create a CSV File of Entry Data
Before the CSV file is uploaded it must be created. The fist row of the document must contain the internal Question Name so that the data in the column can be matched to the correct Questions. The easiest method to retrieve the Question Names is to download one of the various Entry Reports. Make sure that the Entry Report has columns for all of the Questions Admins want to upload data for each Entry. For more about the Entry Reports read the report guide.
Once the header row of the Report has been populated then data for the full Report can be imported to the spreadsheet file. Note that each row that contains at least one item of data will create an Entry. Once the Entries are created, they will follow the same rules as all other Entries, meaning that if data is missing for a mandatory Question, the Entries can not be submitted.
The data must also match the rules for each Question Types or it will not be imported.
- Text boxes/Areas/Licence – all characters accepted
- Integer – number only
- Date – must match DD/MM/YYYY format
- Duration – must match HH:MM format
- Email address – must include valid email characters and formatting, including an @ symbol and . for the extension
- Embed Video URL – must be a valid YouTube or Vimeo link
- Phone Number – must match a valid phone number including country code, for example +44
- Select – must match exactly one or more of the values provided in the question settings. To provide multiple answers for checkboxes or picklist separate with a |
- URL – must confirm to a valid URL
If there is a character limit for a question then the answer provided must conform to the max limit.
It is not possible to provide data via the CSV upload for the following question types:
- Commentary
- Divider
- Concatenate
- Export
- Form Owner Administration
- Formula
- Media Library Item
- Multipart
- Question Validation
- Send Email
Once the file has been populated make sure it is saved as a CSV file in a location where you will be able to upload in the next section.
How to Upload a CSV File of Entry Data to Create Entries
Once the CSV file has been compiled it is ready for upload. Before you begin this process make sure that you have created an account for the Entries to be hosted in. All Entries need to exist in an Entrant account. If you do not have an account, you can Register from the Entrant Interface and create one for this purpose. Note the Organisation ID which is required for this process and can be found in the Organisation List in the Admin Interface.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Bulk Entry Upload Tool in the Tools Section
- Select the relevant Award where the entries should be created
- Type the Organisation ID
- If valid the organisation name will be displayed
- Select the file to upload
- Click Submit
- The Entries will be created in the selected Award and Organisation and can be managed accordingly
Note – if a question name in the CSV file does not match a question for the Award then the data in this column will be ignored.
It is not possible to upload a new CSV file to overwrite exiting Entries. This feature will only create new Entries. If there is an issue with the date then delete the newly created Entries before correcting the data in the CSV file and uploading again.