How to Define the Main Question in a Form
The following error message: “You have not defined one of the questions to be the main question used to identify this entry to the user. This is usually the ‘title’. The award will not function properly without this” will appear at the top of your Question List if you have not designated any of the questions to appear on the entrant’s Dashboard as the main identifier of that particular entry. Without it, the form will not function correctly. Admins must set one question to be the main question for each award, and this question will be used as the entry title. Note that the question must appear for all entries, regardless of category and must contain an answer.
How to Define the First Identifying Question
Without setting the main question on a form, the form won’t work properly. Please follow these instructions to define it:
- Login to the Admin Interface
- Go to Awards & Projects>Relevant Award>Overview>Form setup/Question List
- In the list choose which question’s answer will be the main identifier. This is usually the ‘Title’ (or equivalent) and should be unique for each entry
- Select Edit from the Actions menu
- Scroll down to the Options section
- In the Include on Entry list for entrant select 1
- In the Include on Entry List for admin select 1
- Click Save and Close
- This question will be the first identifying column on the Entries list on the Entrants’ Dashboard