How to Generate an Invoice
There are two invoice generation workflows in Nucleus, one for entrant users and another for the admins to generate the invoice on behalf of the user. Nucleus was designed so that entrants can generate their own invoices once they have completed submitting all of their entries meaning that admins, ideally, do not need to action any manual processes. The assumption is that Nucleus does not know how many entries an entrant will create so the control is passed to the entrants. In real world situations we also understand that some entrants will miss this step for a variety of reasons and therefore there is also an option for admins to generate an invoice.
Once an invoice is generated it will be emailed to the entrant as a pdf. Note that there is an option for admin users to create online and offline invoices for entrants.
Note – that a new invoice needs to be generated per award and payment for each award is processed separately.
How Entrants can Self Generate Their Invoices
Entrants can generate their own invoices for individual entries from the Dashboard. In order to generate an invoice the entrant must have submitted a minimum of one entry and be an Admin Entrant User. For more about entrant user types read the User Management guide.
- The entrant should be logged into the Entrant Interface
- Under Submitted Entries locate the award
- Below the entry table click on Proceed To Payment
- On the next screen an invoice preview will appear for the entrant to review giving a full breakdown of pricing, discounts, tax and any additional charges
- If they have been provided with a Discount Code it can be entered here*
- Click on Continue to Payment
- A light box appears which asks the entrant:
- To provide a optional PO Number**
- If the instance has the optional list entries on invoiceset they can choose to list their entries on their invoice
- To confirm the Invoice Generation the entrant must type I AM SURE
- Click on Proceed to Payment
- The entrant will be sent an email with either an Online or Offline invoice
- The following screen will have a number of settings depending on the Award/Organisation settings
- Pay Online – this appears if the settings allow the entrant to pay online
- View Invoice – this always appears
* Read this guide for full information on the use of discount codes.
** If the entrant fails to provide a PO Number at this stage they are unable to add it to the invoice at a later stage but Admin users can add this after the invoice has been generated.
How Admins Can Generate an Invoice on Behalf of an Entrant
There are a number of reasons as to why an admin user will need to generate an invoice for an entrant. The main benefit of generating the invoice for the entrant is that an email with the invoice as a pdf attachment will be sent to the entrant reminding them to pay for their entries. To generate an invoice:
- Log into the Administration Interface
- Go to Actions>Organisations
- Search for the organisation in the table and click Edit
- On the Organisation Setting page scroll down to Entry Summary for this where the awards entered and numbers of entries will be listed
- Click on Closedown for the award where you wish to generate the invoice
- On the next screen an invoice preview will appear for the entrant to review giving a full breakdown of pricing, discounts, tax and any additional charges
- Select the required billing address or select to provide a new address
- Remove entries from the invoice if you wish to pay for them separately
- If you wish to provide a Discount Code it can be entered here*
- Click on Continue to Payment
- A light box appears which asks the entrant:
- To provide a optional PO Number**
- If the instance has the optional list entries on invoiceset they can choose to list their entries on their invoice
- To confirm the Invoice Generation the entrant must type I AM SURE
- Click on Proceed to Payment
- The entrant will be sent an email with either an Online or Offline invoice
- On the next page click Return to Dashboard
Note – it is also possible to reach the Organisation Settings page from the Entries table. When on the table click on the name of the Organisation. You can then filter the table to identify the entries that have not had an invoice generated for them.
How an Entrant Can Pay Online
Entrants can pay online as part of the invoice generation process by clicking on the Proceed to Payment button, as part of the invoice generation process which is described above (skip to point X to follow). The following steps describe the traditional payment route once the invoice has been generate:
- Entrant logs into the Entrant Interface
- Click on Invoices in the main menu
- Locates the invoice to pay in the table
- In Actions selects the Pay Online button
- This will take the user to a Stripe payment page where the user enters their card details
- There is an option for the user to enter an additional email address which will also be sent the receipt in the Receipt copy email text field
- Click Pay and the payment provider will manage the rest of the process
- Once the payment process is complete the user will be taken to a payment complete screen, the invoice will be marked as paid and the entrant will receive a receipt
Note – there is also a Click to Pay link that can be included in emails and invoices that are permitted to be paid online. Clicking on the link will take the entrant directly to the payment screen. For full information view the Click to Pay guide.
How to Action an Offline Invoice Payment in Nucleus
Offline payments are not marked as automatically paid as Nucleus is not integrated directly with any finance systems, which means once a payment is received an Admin user will need to manually mark the invoice as paid to generate the receipt. For full information read the marking invoices as paid guide.