How to Inform Entrants of a Successful or Failed Video File Transcode
There are email templates that can be switched on to alert entrants to a successful video transcode or failure. There are a number of reasons as you why a video can fail and this is one area where communication with entrants is imperative. Uploading large video files is time-consuming and as a key p[art of the entry process anything that puts entrants at ease will reduce the number of emails and phone calls to the awards admin teams.
The automated emails, if activated, will be sent to the entrant to confirm if their video has successfully transcoded, or if it failed with the reason.
How to activate the email templates
To amend the email templates:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Got to Actions>Misc
- Under the Email Management heading click on Email Tempates
- Search for either:
- mediaItem/transcodeComplete
- mediaItem/transcodeError
- Click on Default to edit the template
- Add or amend the suggested copy below
- For more information about all email template options read the email template guide
- Click Save and Close when finished
Note – to disable both or either template review the How to Disable an automatic email template guide
Proposed copy for each template:
Transcode Success – mediaItem/transcodeComplete
Subject –
@@mediaItem_title@@ has Transcoded Successfully (@@mediaItem_id@@)
Body –
Dear @@user_name@@,
The video associated with media library item “@@mediaItem_title@@” (@@mediaItem_id@@) has completed transcoding successfully.
Please contact the awards administration team with any questions.
Best wishes,
Awards Team
Transcode Failure – mediaItem/transcodeError
Subject –
Video Transcode Error (@@mediaItem_id@@)
Body –
Dear @@user_name@@,
The video associated with media library item “@@mediaItem_title@@” (@@mediaItem_id@@) has failed to transcode with the following error: @@mediaItem_lastError@@
Please contact the awards administration team with any questions.
Best wishes,
Awards Team