How To Manage Downloading Videos in the Viewing Interface
By default, the Viewing Interface Nucleus provides judges with the option to stream or download video files. The download option is helpful for judges who might want to download the content and then watch offline. There is no method to force judges to delete the video files once they have been downloaded and this can present issues for entrants who want to protect their IP. Nucleus gives both entrants and admins the power to manage the video download settings.
How entrants can choose if a Judge can download a video
When an entrant creates a Media Item in their Media Library they need to select the File Type. If Video is selected then a check box, Allow Download, appears. If a user selects the check box then the video will be downloadable by the judges on the Viewing Interface.
This option is presented to entrants as the default and there is nothing that admin users need to action. Admin users can, of course, update this setting on an individual base using the same functionality but there is nothing to stop the entrant from unchecking the checkbox if they see it has been checked. To action this:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Media Items
- Search for the relevant media item in the list and click Edit
- The media item information will open in a new window
- Check the Allow Download box
- Click Save
How to overwrite the entrants’ preferences and allow all videos to be downloaded
It might be that you want to force all videos to be downloaded by judges in the viewing interface, regardless of the preference specified by entrants. There is functionality in Nucleus that enables admin users to overwrite the preference on a per award basis. Please do make this clear to entrants so that there is no confusion before implementing. To enable this feature:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Awards
- Search for the relevant award and click Edit
- Scroll down to the Viewing section
- Set Allow viewers to download videos to Yes
- Click Save
How to prevent any videos from being downloaded in the Viewing Interface
The third feature allows admin users to prevent all videos from being downloaded by judges for the instance as a whole. If enabled then the Allow Download option will not appear in the Media Library and the option for judges to download video files will be hidden for all awards. To enable this feature:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- In the System Administration Section select Configuration Values
- Search for Allow Video Downloads
- Click Edit
- Delete Yes from the Value textbox and type No
- Click Save