How to Manage the Admin Dashboard
The Admin Dashboard in Nucleus contains a range of functionality that allows Admins to visualise Awards’ data. The purpose of the screen is to quickly provide an overview of the current status without Admins having to export a more detailed Report. Information included on the screen includes:
- The number of Entries created and their Status
- The number of Entries in each Category
- Invoice totals and their Status
- Actions for Admins
- Quick links to Entries
- Top 10 Organisations
- Custom statistics and Award Administration statics.
This guide will explain all these different sections, how to manage them and how to display customised data on the Dashboard.
The Dashboard screen pertains to an Award. Currently, there aren’t cross Award statics or actions on the Dashboard. To switch to a different Award, simply use the dropdown at the top of the screen.
The Dashboard Sections
The Dashboard contains the following sections:
Outstanding Actions
Details actions that need to be actioned by your User.
- Your Entries – the Entries that have been assigned to your Admin User
- Your Entries requiring approval – the Entries that have been assigned to your Admin User and are currently in a Submitted status
- All Entries requiring approval – the Entries that are currently in a Submitted status
Clicking on the View Button will take you to a filtered list of the Entries.
Stats for Other Admins
Provides an overview of the number of Entries that have been assigned to all Admin Users for the Award. Only Admins who have one assigned Entry will appear in the table. Therefore, not all Admins who have access to the Award will be displayed. The table covers the Total, Approved and Submitted Entries allocated to each Admin User.
This section can be used to quickly go directly to an Entry, Organisation, Invoice or User simply by entering the ID in the relevant field and then clicking on Go. Each entity in Nucleus has an ID and this can be found as the first column on each relevant table. The IDs can also be included in email communications.
Your Entries
Displays a bar graph of the Entries assigned to your Admin User.
- Progress – A bar graph split to show the current Entry status. The total number of Entries assigned to your Admin User is displayed to the right of the bar:
- Unsubmitted (Pink)
- Submitted (Yellow)
- Approved (Green)
- Payment (is hidden if payment is not set for the Award) – a bar graph to show the payment status of Entries:
- Unsubmitted (Grey) – Unsubmitted Entries can not be invoiced
- Not Closed Down (Pink) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are not attached to an Invoice
- Unpaid (Yellow) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are attached to an Unpaid Invoice
- Paid (Green) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are attached to a Paid Invoice
All Entries
Displays a bar graph of the Entries for the Award.
- Progress – A bar graph split to show the current Entry status. The total number of Entries for the Award is displayed to the right of the bar:
- Unsubmitted (Pink)
- Submitted (Yellow)
- Approved (Green)
- Payment (is hidden if payment is not set for the Award) – a bar graph to show the payment status of Entries:
- Unsubmitted (Grey) – Unsubmitted Entries can not be invoiced
- Not Closed Down (Pink) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are not attached to an Invoice
- Unpaid (Yellow) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are attached to an Unpaid Invoice
- Paid (Green) – Submitted/Approved Entries that are attached to a Paid Invoice
- The total amount of revenue as Gross and Net is shown to the right of the bar graphs. The breakdown includes the revenue generated from Unpaid, Paid and Refunds. Note that Entries that are not attached to an Invoice are not included in the totals, so depending on the status of the Award the expected revenue could be higher.
Entries Per Category
Displays the number of Entries in each Category and the current status of each Entry: Unsubmitted, Submitted and Approved. On Automatic Categories an Entry will only be included once it satisfies the Category Eligibility Criteria. Submitted and Approved Entries will always belong to a Category, but Unsubmitted Entries might not if the data supplied on the form does not fulfil the Category Eligibility Criteria.
Note – if a Category has 0 Entries, it will also be included in the section.
Top 10 Organisations
Displays the 10 Organisations that have created the most Entries for each Award. Included in this section:
- Organisation name
- Entry bar graph – includes the total number of Entries and the status of each Entry
- Payment bar graph – includes the total number of Entries and the payment status of each Entry
- The net and gross invoice totals’ includes Unpaid, Paid and Total amounts
Customised Entry Stats
Nucleus enables Admin Users to visually display aggerated data submitted in Questions on the Entry Form as bar graphs. The answer to any Question can be displayed. However, this feature works best with Questions that have predefined answers, such as a Select Questions. Free text answers will likely result in a unique answer provided for each Entry, creating many bar graph results with 1. This is not an ideal method of aggregating data.
The setup of the customised Entry stats will be covered below.
Approval Time Distribution
This graph displays the distribution of when Entries were approved in relation to the Approval Timeframe set by Admin Users. Entries approved within the timeframe will be included in the green part of the Distribution Graph and Entries approved outside of the timeframe will be included in the red part of the Distribution Graph.
Approval Promptness
This graph displays the timeframe in which Entries have been approved and Entries that require approval. Admins can specify the Approval Timeframe. The graph only includes Submitted and Approved Entries split into the following sections:
- Awaiting Approval – Submitted Entries not Approved within the specified timeframe
- Approval Overdue – Submitted Entries not Approved outside of the specified timeframe
- Approved in Time – Entries Approved within the specified timeframe
- Approved Late – Entries Approved outside of the specified timeframe
How to Personalise the Sections on the Admin Dashboard
Nucleus has functionality that allows admins to specify the order the dashboard sections or remove sections entirely. This is applied on a per-instance basis. A full list and description of the Dashboard Sections is above. To edit them:
- Log into that Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Configuration Values below the System Administration heading
- Search for Dashboard Modules
- Click Edit
- In the Value input field specify the modules, comma-separated, in the order you wish them to appear. Note if the Value input field is empty then all sections will automatically display:
- Outstanding actions
- Stats for other admins
- Jump
- Your Entries
- All Entries
- Extra Stats
- Entries per category
- Top 10 Organisations
- Approval Time Distribution
- Approval Promptness
- Click Save and Close
How to Set Up Customised Entry Stats
Admins can display visually the answers to questions on the Entry Forms as bar graphs. This works best with questions that define the answers, such as Select Questions as opposed to free text fields. Up to 10 Questions can be displayed on the Dashboard providing Admins with an immediate visual perspective of the data supplied by Entrants.
The Questions are set on a per-Admin or per-Award basis: To enable this per-Award:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Question List
- Alongside the question whose answers you want to display as a metric on your Dashboard, click Edit.
- Scroll down to the Options section
- Select a number from the dropdown Include on Admin Dashboard. The numbers define the position that this question is displayed on your Dashboard.
- Click Save and Close.
To enable questions on a per-Admins basis:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Admin Users
- From the Admin User List, select the Admin User you require and click Edit.
- On the Edit Existing Admin User page that opens, scroll down to the field Extra Dashboard Statistics.
- In this field, you should enter the Internal Name of the question/s whose answers you want to see on the Dashboard. If more than one, you should separate each Internal Name by commas. This will only work for Questions that apply to the specific award you have selected from the main Dashboard project selector.
- Click Save and Close.
How to Set Up the Time Frame for Approval Time Distribution and Approval Promptness
The Approval Time Distribution and Approval Promptness graphs require admins to specify the time frame that is used to determine if an entry was approved within the limit or if the entry was approved late. To set the timeframe:
- Log into that Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Configuration Values below the System Administration heading
- Search for Approval Target Days
- Click Edit
- In the Value input field set the number of days in which an entry should be approved
- Click on Save and Close
- On the Configuration Values page search for Dashboard Cutoff Months
- Click Edit
- In the Value field enter the number of Months for which you wish to display the stats on the dashboard. Entering 12, for example will display the stats for the past 12 months of entry submissions and 24 two years.
- Click on Save and Close