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How to Set Up a Debtor Number on an Invoice

Some accounting teams require that a debtor number is applied to each organisation. This is so that they can better track payments and invoices issued to customers. In Nucleus it is possible to eiterh manually or automatically assign a Debtor Number to all organisations.

How to manually Add the Debtor Number to an existing Organisation/Individual

  1. Go to Actions>Organisations
  2. Search for the relevant organisation/individual
  3. Click on Actions>Edit
  4. Scroll down to the Finance Details section
  5. On the Debtor Code field, input a 5 digit Debtor Code
  6. Click Save & Close
  7. All the new invoices will display the Debtor Number under the PO number

Note – If you wish to add the Debtor Number to an existing invoice, please follow these instructions.

Automatically Assigning the Debtor Number

Instead of adding manually the Debtor Number to invoices, you can set up an automated process that will create a sequential 5 digit number and will add it to all new and existing organisations.

  1. Go to Actions>Misc
  2. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  3. On the Name column, search for “Auto assign debtor number
  4. Click Edit
  5. Input Yes as a value
  6. Check the If value is set to ‘yes’ all the existing debtor number will be updated to the new auto generated numbers and can’t be updated checkbox
  7. Click Save & Close

Note – As the warning message suggests, if you switch on this functionality and you already have invoices with manually-created Debtor Numbers for some of your organisations, you will need to update them accordingly following the same process as above. Please review this guide to see how to action this.

How to Specify the Automatically Assigned Starting Number

Some finance departments have requirements as to the range of numbers that can be used as the debtor numbers. Nucleus has functionality that allows admins to specify the starting number. The starting number will be issued to the organisation with the lowest ID and then the next number to the organisation with the next lowest ID and so forth. Deleted organisations are ignored when this functionality is turned on, however, numbers issued to organisations that are subsequently deleted will not be reused.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  4. Search for Debtor number Increment
  5. Click Edit
  6. Type the required starting number in Value
  7. Check the box if you wish to override all existing debtor numbers
  8. Click Save & Close

How to Show Debtor Number on Invoices

If you wish to display the Debtor Number, you will first need to switch this option on from the Configuration Values in your instance.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  4. On the Name column, search for Include debtor number on invoice
  5. Click Edit
  6. Input Yes as a value
  7. Click Save & Close
  8. Once a new invoice is generated, the Debtor Number will be displayed below the PO Number

Note – If you set this value to yes, but there is no Debtor Number on the organisation settings, it will show n/a on the invoice.
Once this is has been activated, you can either decide to add the Debtor Number to each invoice manually or set up an automated process.