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How To Set Up The Viewing Interface

The third interface for Nucleus is the Viewing Interface, which is equally important as the other interfaces but is often overlooked in terms of setup. This is largely due to Admins having little time between Entry deadlines closing and Judging beginning.
However, it is important to consider the setup of the Viewing Interface as a key component of the Award Setup and this should be actioned as early as possible in the process, ideally before an Entry has been submitted. After all the hard work in opening Entries, Entry submission and reviewing the Entries, it is important not to rush the process where the winners and nominees are often selected.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up the Viewing Interface and will link to other articles where relevant. For more information on the following please refer to the linked articles:

How to Get an Award Ready for Viewing on the Viewing Interface

Before we begin to look at the range of functionality available on the Viewing Interface, we need to enable the Viewing. Once this is turned on and some test Entries have been approved, you can then review features that will assist your Judges. Once Viewing is turned on, as soon as entries are approved they will be available for your Judges to review. To switch on the Viewing Interface:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions > Awards
  3. In the Awards Table click on Edit next to the relevant award
  4. On the Awards Settings page scroll down to the Viewing section
  5. Select Yes for Viewing Enabled and more options will appear
  6. Click Save
  7. Then go Actions > Categories
  8. On the category table click Edit next to a category that you want to display on the Viewing Interface
  9. Scroll to the Viewing Portal section
  10. Select Yes for Show on Viewing Portal
  11. Click Save and Close
  12. Repeat steps 8 – 11 for each category that you want to appear on the Viewing Interface

How to Make Entry Data Appear on the Viewing Interface

In the previous step we turned on the functionality that enables Awards and Categories to appear on the Viewing Interface. The next step is to enable the Question Data to appear. By default this is switched off and Admin Users will need to enable Question by Question. Typically, there are large data sets collected by the Entry Form, but Judges only need to see some of this information. This functionality allows Admin Users to control exactly what Judges see in each Category. There are two ways to set questions to appear:

  • For all Categories
  • For specific Categories only

Set a Question to Appear in all Categories

Setting a question to appear in all Categories is controlled from the Question List. There are a couple of rules that you need to remember and this will largely depend on the design of your Form and your use of dependent Questions.

  1. If a Question has no answer then it will not display on the Viewing Interface. This applies to Questions which are optional for Entrants to supply an answer.
  2. If a Question is not visible on an Entry Form at the point of submission, due to it being hidden by a Dependency, it will not show on the Viewing Interface regardless if the Entrant provided an answer.

Using this method will make sure that the answer to the Question is displayed for all Categories in which an Entry is submitted providing the Entry meets the rules set out above. To set this:

  1. Go to Actions > Question List
  2. Click on Edit next to the question that you wish to display on the Viewing Interface
  3. Scroll to the Options section
  4. Enter a title for the question in the Title for Viewing Portal – note that the title will appear on the Viewing Interface
  5. Click Save and Close
  6. Repeat steps 2 – 5 for all Questions that you wish to appear on the Viewing Interface for ALL Categories

Note – There is no limit to the number of Questions that can be set to appear.

Set a Question to Appear in only some Categories

There is also an option to specify Questions in only some Categories. The functionality not only allows you to specify that a Question appears in one Category, but also so that it appears for one Nomination. This might be required where an Entry is listed in several Categories, but a supporting statement is only relevant for one of those Categories, or where an entry has multiple Nominations in one Category (for example: performers). Showing that supporting statement to Judges of another Category could be confusing or give the Entry an unfair advantage over Entries that had not been entered into both Categories.

To set up a Category/Nomination Specific Question:

  1. Go to Actions>Categories
  2. Click Edit on the relevant Category where you wish to display the question
  3. In the Eligibility section locate the top table called Category Specific Questions
  4. In the Question column select the Question name – note that questions with an * have already been set to display for all Entries and are not available to select as Category specific
  5. Enter a title in the Label column to display on the Viewing Interface
  6. If the category has more than one Nomination set in the Nomination Data table an additional column, Nomination, will appear in the Category Specific Questions table. If the question can appear for all Nominations in the category leave this set to All. If the question should only appear for a specific Nomination then select the relevant Nomination from the dropdown.
  7. Click Save
  8. Repeat steps 3 – 7 for all Questions you wish to display as Category/Nomination specific in all Categories

Note – There is no limit to the number of Questions that can be set to appear. To see how to go more granular to display or hide specific questions on the Viewing Interface, please read this guide.

How to Set-Up the Viewing Interface Functionality

There are a number of different options you can choose to offer to your Judges. If your Judges do not need to review many Entries in each Category, you can skip this section. Otherwise, if you have many Entries in a given Category, you might want to provide your Viewers with tools to easily search and filter for Entries. There are a number of tools within Nucleus to assist.

To access the following controls:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions > Awards
  3. In the Awards Table click on Edit next to the relevant award
  4. On the Awards Settings page scroll down to the Viewing section
  • Viewing site entry order default – choose which order Entries will appear in Categories for Judges when the page loads
    • Title – this presents Entries alphabetically by Entry Title
    • Last Approved – will display the latest approved Entries first, providing Judges with the newly available Entries
  • Viewing site allow order switch
    • Yes – Allows Viewers to choose a range of sorting options. Admins can define which options are available for Judges to use:
      • A-Z
      • Z-A
      • Random
      • Most recently added
      • Scored
      • Not Scored
      • Commented
      • Not Commented
    • No – Removes the dropdown and locks the option chosen in ‘Viewing site entry order default‘ as the only list option
  • Viewing Site Order – only applies if Entries are listed alphabetically
    • A-Z Traditional – Entries are ordered A-Z
    • A-Z (Excluding A/An/The) – Entries are ordered alphabetically but where a title begins with an A, An or The the word is ignored and the Entry is ordered alphabetically starting with the second word in the title
  • Alphabetical Navigation
    • Yes – an additional navigation bar is displayed allowing Judges to view Entries in alphabetical groups, for example all Entries starting A-C – for more information read the guide
    • No – the alphabetical menu is hidden
  • Require Scores and Comments to be Submitted – for more information read the Setting up scoring and comments guide
  • Viewing site entry title override – the Question that is set to the number 1 position on the entrant dashboard on the Question list defines the Entry Title. This can be overridden on the Viewing Interface if required by selecting a different Question in the dropdown or the Entry ID. Note that the Question will only appear in the dropdown if it applies to all Entries.
  • Force all videos to be downloadable on Viewing Site – review full instructions on how to manage the download of videos on the guide
    • Yes – this overrides the choice of Entrants if they have not selected the Allow Download option on their video file in the Media Library
    • No – Entrants can choose their own preference
  • Allow entries to be date restricted on the viewing site – this allows both Admins and Entrants to supply a date range that the entries will be available to view on the Viewing Interface
  • Display first image on viewing site – if set, the first Media Item set to Image will be displayed in the UI as an image in the Viewing Interface
    • If set to Yes the option Display Primary Image Download Button will appear. If set to Yes viewers will see a button to download the image. If set to No the button will be hidden.
  • Allow voting in viewing site – if set, the Voting functionality will be activated
    • Voting pop-up message – this message will be displayed when Viewers first access Voting. Please note that if there is more than one line of text, then the first line will be used as the title of the pop-up

How to Allow Viewers to Mark Entries as Reviewed

Admins can now enable a function that Judges can use to mark Entries as reviewed. For each Entry on the Viewing Interface there is a button titled “Reviewed/Not Reviewed“. Clicking on the button will change the status of the Entry. Viewers can use this as a personal notification which assists them during their Judging process so that they can focus on Entries that they have not reviewed yet. This feature also works with the sorting functions (see above) as Judges can use the sort to prioritise Entries that are not marked as reviewed and move the Entries that have been marked as reviewed to the bottom of their list. This feature is enabled on a per-category basis.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Categories
  3. Click to Edit on the relevant category question
  4. Scroll down to the Viewing Portal section
  5. Select Yes for Enable mark entries as reviewed
  6. Click Save and Close
  7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 for all categories where viewers can mark entries as reviewed

How to Set Up a Search Field for all Entries on the Viewer Dashboard

In Nucleus you can enable a ‘Search’ function that allows Viewers to search for all Entries in a given Award by data sets specified by Admin Users. This will be displayed as a ‘Search’ field option appearing above the Category boxes on the Viewer Dashboard, and a drop-down that specifies the field to which the search applies. The results for all Categories will be displayed on a new page which will highlight the Categories that the viewer can review and filter. To enable this option:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Question List
  3. Click to Edit the relevant question
  4. Scroll down to the Option section
  5. Select Yes for Searchable on viewing portal
  6. Click Save and Close
  7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 to enable more fields to be searchable

The following Question types can be included in the search option:

  • Email
  • Embed Video URL
  • Phone number
  • Select
  • Textbox
  • Text Area
  • URL

How to Create Tags that Viewers Can Use to Filter Entries within a Category

Tags can be used to group Entries within the Categories which can assist Viewers to filter, find and review Entries. It is especially useful with Categories that contain many Entries, such as a Category that contains all Entries entered into an Award. Looking at films as an example, Categories could be filtered by genre, such as Comedy, Action, Drama etc. Any Select type Question can be used to add tags to an Entry. To set up tags for an existing Select Question, please action the following:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Question List
  3. Click to Edit the relevant select question
  4. Scroll down to the Question Parameters section
  5. Select Yes for Is a Tag?
  6. Click Save and Close
  7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 to enable more fields to be searchable

The options provided as answers for the Select Question will now appear in the tags list for Viewers to use for their filtering. The tag will only appear in the drop-down on the Viewing Interface if a minimum of one Entry contains the tag in the Category. For this reason the tag list may change form Category to Category. There is no limit to the number of tags that can be set.

Additional Functionalities