How to Show or Hide Entries on the Viewing Interface Without Changing Their Approval Status
Nucleus provides an easy mechanism to remove or return Entries to the Viewing Interface at an entry level. When an Entry is set to Approved by Admin Users, all Categories are available on the Viewing Interface and all Judges who have the correct credentials can see the Entries. Unapproving the Entries will remove them from the Viewing Interface. There are occasions when Admin Users do not wish to remove the whole Entry or change the Entry Status.
This feature was designed to improve the process of moving to a second stage of voting where Admins need to remove unsuccessful Entries from unsuccessful Categories while remaining in others. The feature can also be used as part of the Entry process where an Entry is ready for approval in a number of categories but there is a question about one item, which can be hidden, allowing the rest of the Entry to be approved. The show/hide functionality is non-disruptive, meaning that no emails will be triggered and the Entry Status will not be affected.
The show/hide functionality is set a Nomination level, meaning the particular part of the entry that is being judged. All Nominations are set by default to Show meaning when an Entry is approved all Nominations will automatically appear on the Viewing Interface. Admins can choose to Hide the nominations at any time, or Show a hidden Nomination. As soon as a Nomination is set to Hide it will no longer appear on the Viewing Interface.
Nominations can be set to Show or Hide individually or using the batch functionality on the Nominations table.
Note – that all other Entry Publishing Rules must be met for an Entry to appear on the Viewing Interface. For example, Entries must be approved and payment restrictions set.
How to Show or Hide Nominations
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Nominations
- Use the filters in the table to search for the relevant Entry
- In the category column click on Hide or Show as required
- Hide – all nominations are set to Show by default, clicking on Hide will remove the nomination from the Viewing Interface
- Show – Hidden nominations will display the word Show, clicking on Show will display the entry on the Viewing Interface
- After clicking on the option the status will change and there is nothing further to action. If required, you can set it back immediately
Note – Show/Hiding Category Specific Questions that have been linked to a nomination will make the related questions appear/disappear on the Viewing Interface. For more information review the “Set a question to appear in only some categories” section of this article.
How to Batch Show or Hide Nominations
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Nominations
- On the top left of the table select Show or Hide Entries from the Actions dropdown
- Select all the relevant nominations by using the table filters and selecting the relevant checkboxes
- Click Ok next to the actions menu to update the nominations
Note – if you apply the filters before selecting the show/hide action you can use the all button to update all Nominations in a filter in one action.