How to Transfer Entry Ownership to a New Entrant User On Progression
Please note: To activate this feature on your instance please submit a support request with the title Transfer Entry
There is a feature, linked to the Progression functionality, that when activated allows for an entry to be transferred to a new entrant user based on an email address provided on the form. This feature was designed to support a specific workflow where a Stage One Entry form was submitted by an entrant user, who acted as a nominator, and the Stage Two Entry form is completed by the nominee, the person who the form relates to. In this example, there is no link between the two users and the nominee might not have a Nucleus account in the instance. When actioned, instead of just progressing the entry to the second stage entry, the owner of the second stage entry is changed to the specified user. If the user exists in the instance they are sent an email, if they do not exist then an account is created and they are sent an invite to register and claim their entry.
This functionality is deactivated by default as it is a specific workflow but if you feel that this might support your award process do get in contact and our support team will work with you to discuss if this is the best option and to set up the functionality.
How to Set Up Transfer Entry Ownership
Before you proceed with the steps below, make sure that the functionality is enabled on your instance.
In order for the functionality to work, there need to be the three questions that are set up in the Stage One form:
- First name
- Last name
If this information has not been collected, then the fields will need to be created and the information entered by admins or entrants before you can proceed. Without the information in the three fields you will not be able to proceed.
Preparing the Entry Forms
The following guide assumes that you have set up the first stage entry form and refers to the specific questions only. For more information about entry form building read the How to Build an Entry Form guide.
- When creating the Stage One form (the form that will collect the data from the first user) you will need to create the following fields using the Question List:
- First name
- Last name
- You can create new questions or edit existing ones. There is no issue with the question type used so long as the entrant supplies a First Name, Last name and an email address in three separate field, as these are used to create the account. There is no specific order required and the questions do not need to be next to one another, so build the form as required. Note that each form can only be copied to one user at a time.
- The only requirement for each question is that the question Name (used for the internal question name) contains a value, and noting else. Add in the values below and click Save:
- First name – formUserCopy_firstName
- Last name – formUserCopy_lastName
- Email – formUserCopy_email
- The same will need to be applied to the Stage Two form (the form that the entries are being copied to). Again make sure you read the progression guide which will detail how to set up the form. For the purposes of this specific functionality you need to create three identical questions to the above. They do not need to be the same question type or in the same order but the internal name needs to match. Do make sure that the question types you create can receive the content, don’t change the question to a run time for example. If you set up Stage One and then copied the form, then the questions will appear correctly on the Stage Two form. Make sure you do not edit them when adding new questions for the second stage.
Enabling the Transfer Entry Ownership Functionality
Once you have set up both entry forms you can proceed with the following instructions which will create a link between the two forms.
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Awards
- Click Edit in the Actions Menu for the Award that you wish to Copy Entries From
- Select Yes for Entries require approval/progression
- Select the name of the Award that you wish to Copy Entries to for Progress To
- Select Unsubmitted for Progression State*
- Select Copy – Parent-child for Progression mode*
- Click Save and Close
*Note that this is the recommended settings for this process. To view other settings see the progression guide.
Testing the Transfer Entry Ownership Functionality
Before you begin transferring your entries you will need to test the functionality is working. The testing process will also generate the email templates which will be covered in the next section.
- Go to Actions>Entries
- On your Entry table, go to the Action drop-down in the far left column. Select Copy To Specified User
- Checkboxes will appear automatically alongside each entry
- Select the entries you want to progress to your new award
- When done, click the OK button at the top of the column
- A pop-up lists the Nominations and asks if you want to continue. Type I AM SURE where prompted and click the Continue button
- Your selected Nominations now appear as Approved in your original award (highlighted in green). They will remain available here, and marked as Approved to distinguish them from the Nominations that have not advanced
- Now switch to your new award, via the project selector drop-down at the top the screen
- Your Entry list for the new award will open. It will only be populated by the entries you have copied and progressed across. In this award they will begin by being marked as Unsubmitted in the Status column – because they are not considered as submitted to this award until the Nominee has answered the new questions you have set
- The email templates will now have been generated so the next step is to amend these or users will not receive any notification
Editing the Nominee Invite Templates
Two new email templates are needed to contact the entrants. If they do not exist for your instance follow the instructions in the above section to create them. For information about how to edit email templates see the manage email templates guide.
- Invite/existingNominee – This template is sent to users already have registered for an entrant account. The copy you provide should direct them to login and edit the entry form that has just been assigned to them. Include the special value @@site_url@@ which will include a link to the instance for the user to log in.
- Invite/newNominee – This template is sent to users who have not registered for an entrant account. The copy you provide should direct them to provide a password and account details when they click on the link. Once their account has been created they can edit the entry form that has just been assigned to them. Include the special value @@registrationUrl@@ which will prompt the user to register and claim the account where their entry exists.
How to Transfer Entries
Once you have carried out the above prep, you are ready to transfer your entries.
- Go to Actions>Entries
- On your Entry table, go to the Action drop-down in the far left column. Select Copy To Specified User
- Checkboxes will appear automatically alongside each entry
- Select the entries you want to progress to your new award
- When done, click the OK button at the top of the column
- A pop-up lists the Nominations and asks if you want to continue. Type I AM SURE where prompted and click the Continue button
- Your selected Nominations now appear as Approved in your original award (highlighted in green). They will remain available here, and marked as Approved to distinguish them from the Nominations that have not advanced
- Now switch to your new award, via the project selector drop-down at the top the screen
- Your Entry list for the new award will open. It will only be populated by the entries you have copied and progressed across. In this award they will begin by being marked as Unsubmitted in the Status column – because they are not considered as submitted to this award until the Nominee has answered the new questions you have set
How to Update Incorrect Email Addresses
It is recommended you check the accuracy of the supplied email addresses from the first round before you begin this process, to prevent any failed deliveries. If the email address provided on the form was inaccurate then the user will not receive the invite. Once invites have been sent check the Email Log to see if any have failed. This workflow details how to edit the address and resend the invite.
- Go to Actions > Users
- Your Users List opens. Find the User whose details you want to update and click Actions > Edit from the right hand column alongside it
- Edit the email address as required
- Save and Close
How to Send Emails to Invited Users
Using the email entrant functionality, you can send a reminder email to those who have not yet logged in. This will also send an email to any users whose email has been updated.
First you will need to create a new Mailout/ template to use for this Reminder.
- Go to Actions>Misc.
- Select Email Templates.
- The Email Templates list opens. Click Add
- The Add new emailTemplateType page opens. Name the template as you require – it MUST begin with the prefix Mailout/ however
- Click Yes if you want different Award-specific versions of this template to become available for future use
- Click Save & Close
- The Edit Template page opens – create the settings as you require
- Enter the Content as you require, including the special values @@firstName@@ or @@fullName@@ to address them and @@registrationUrl@@ to include the login link
- Save & Close
- Having created this template, you just now need to schedule your Mailout
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Select Entrant Mailout
- On the Specify Mailout Parameters page, select Mode – Live
- Template – The new template you just created
- Which type of user? – Nominees. By selecting Nominees, the Mailout will only email entrants who HAVEN’T LOGGED IN YET
- From the list of Awards, select your NEW award
- Click Preview
- From Confirm Mailout Details page:
- Select your Start Sending date and time, or leave both blank to send straight away
- Choose whether you want this email to Repeat and if so how often
- Leave the From address and From name blank to use your usual Sender ID
- Add an internal notification email address if you require
- Set ‘Send if no recipients’ to No
- Tick the box if you want to add the emails to the queue in the ‘On Hold’ state, for you to release manually. Otherwise leave unticked for them to be sent automatically
- Click Send