How to transfer ownership of an entry from an Unpaid Invoice from one organisation to another
There may be occasions where one organisation has submitted an entry, but for payment purposes they should not be invoiced and have agreed another organisation should be invoiced instead. (An example of this would be if a production company has entered their TV show into an award, but has agreed that the network that transmitted it should be billed. Or vice versa).
This can be done even after an invoice has been raised – including the entries to be moved – so long as the invoice is currently UNPAID.
First, Revoke the current Unpaid invoice:
- Go to Actions > Invoices.
- Filter for the invoice on the Invoice List.
- Click on the Actions dropdown alongside it and Revoke Invoice.
Next, change the ownership of the entry in question:
- Go to Actions > Entries
- Filter for entry you want to move.
- For each entry, go to the Actions dropdown alongside it and click Edit Entry.
- On the form, scroll down to the Created by section and click the Change link alongside the current organisation name.
- From the dropdown that appears, select organisation you want to move it to. Change the Entry Owner as required.
- Click Save and Close.
You should repeat this for each of the entries you want to remove from the original invoice. Once you have done this with all the required entries, you can now close down the original organisation’s order again to raise an updated invoice:
- Go to Actions > Organisations
- Filter to find the original organisation.
- Click on Edit alongside the correct record.
- On their Organisation page, scroll down to Entry Summary For This Organisation section. Alongside the award project in question, click Closedown.
- Where prompted, click Continue to Payment, enter the PO (if applicable) and type I AM SURE.
The new invoice for the original organisation will now appear on your Invoice List and you should see the entries in question are now removed from it.
Now you have done this, you can also repeat this Closedown process for the organisation you are moving the entries to – once they have completed all their entries – and the moved entries will now be included on the resulting invoice raised.