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How to Use the Media Library (Admin Users)

The Media Library is the section in Nucleus where entrants upload and mange all of their assets that they need to supply with their entry. These include the following file types:

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Images
  • Documents

The Media Library is only available to instances that are integrated with an Electron Account. Instances without the media library can use upload, image and video embed questions to receive assets from entrants.

Entrants can use the Media Library Page to upload and manage assets which are then linked to their entries via Media Item Questions on the entry form. Entrants also have the option to upload the asset on the forms, although for large files it is recommended uploading via the media library screen first. The upload process features a pause/resume function that allows files to continue to upload after a connection dropout and reduces the amount of files corrupted during upload. Multiple entrants within an organisation can access the media files uploaded, and this follow the rules for entries. There is a guide which covers in detail the entrant users.

  • Entrant Admin Users – can view and manage all media files
  • Entrant Normal Users – can only view and manage the media files they create

How to use Media Item Questions

If your entry process requires users to submit an asset then you will need to create a Media Item Question on your entry form. Media Item questions work in exactly they same way as all other questions and provide an option for entrants to supply a file. The questions have special settings which will be covered below. Entrants can only provide one file per question, if you require multiple files to be submitted as part of an entry you will need to create a question for each file. To create a media item question:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Question List
  3. Click Add to create a new question
  4. Set a unique internal question the Name as normal
  5. Select Media Library Item from the Type dropdown
  6. Choose the Position on the form where the question should appear
  7. Type a Question name to appear on the entry form
  8. Select the Required statue:
    1. Yes – Require Upload – the file must be fully uploaded before the entry form can be submitted
    2. Yes – Allow Placeholders – the entrant can submit a placeholder which allows the file to be uploaded into the placeholder at a later date
    3. No – the question is optional and no file is required
  9. Select which filetypes can be supplied:
    1. Image
    2. Video
    3. Screener Hub Video – only applies for instances which use BAFTA View
    4. Audio
    5. Document
  10. If images are selected as an option you can choose to Restrict images to web friendly file types. Choosing this option will restrict the file types that can be provided for the answer to jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .webp, .gif and the file must be less than 6mb. Any files that do not meet the criteria will not be available for selection or rejected at submission if uploaded on the form.
  11. If you wish to restrict the maximum size of a file enter a numeric value in Max. Size and choose if this should apply as MB or GB. Entrants or Admins will not be able to upload any files that are larger than this size set, and a warning message will be displayed to inform them on this. If the size is set to 0 then this option will be ignored and no restriction will be active.
  12. To display the Media Item on the Viewing Interface set an answer for Title for Viewing Portal or the question can be set to be Category Specific only
  13. Update the rest of the options including the help and the dependencies as required
  14. Click Save to save the options

How to use the Media Items List on the Admin Interface

Admins can view all media items in the Admin Interface. This screen is available on the main Actions dropdown menu by selecting Media Items. Each Media Item is listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recently uploaded first. It contains the following columns which can be filtered:

  • ID – each media item is issued an ID at point of creation
  • Created/Last Saved – no filter option
  • Media Type (Video/Image/Audio/Document)
  • Title
  • Status (Not Started/Uploading/Transcoding/Complete/Error or Any)
  • Organisation
  • Awards – the awards where the media item has been associated with an entry (no filter option)
  • Entries – displays the number of entries the Media Item has been associated with and can be filtered by entry, none or some

The following Actions are available via Actions dropdown and different options appear depending on the status:

  • Edit – open a pop-up window where you can manage the media item:
    • Replace – replace the file with a new one
    • Delete – delete the file
    • Preview – view the file
    • Title – update the title
    • Download – change the download option for judges
    • Sharing – access a sharing code to share the media item across entry accounts
  • Entries – which enables you to see which Entries (if any) it is currently submitted with. From the Entries link you will then be given further Actions options to manage the entries
  • Watch/Show – view the media item
  • Download – download the file to your computer
  • Reset Thumbnail – regenerates the thumbnail created by Electron
  • Reset Status – resets the transcoding status – can be used in the event of an error to check if the file succeeded in transcoding
  • Delete – deletes the media item and the file

Assets in the Media Items List are colour-coded:

  • Complete (uploaded AND transcoded) appear in Green
  • Not Started, Uploading and Transcoding all appear in Grey
  • Error appears in Red text

How to Review Media Items as Part of Entry Checking

As all Media assets exist as answers to Questions, you can check – at a glance – whether an entry’s Media Item has been uploaded, on the Entry List itself rather than having to click on Edit Form.

To enable this, for the required Media Item on your Question List:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Question List
  3. Click Edit next to the relevant Media Library question
  4. Scroll down to the Options section
  5. In the setting Include On Entry List For Admin select which column number you want it to be displayed on the Entry List
  6. Save and Close
  7. Go to Actions>Entries
  8. A new column will have appeared on the Entry List page which will detail information regarding the asset

All media files appear on the entry form that admins review. When reviewing an entry you will find the following options included to the media item questions:

  • Replace a Media Item directly with another one, at their discretion.
  • Remove a Media Item entirely.
  • Download a Media Item.
  • Preview/Show a Media Item in a pop-out player while the form remains open in the background (for Video only).

Automated Deletion of Media Items

From the Award Setting page, you can now define a date when the Media Items will be removed from the entries and the deletion process will be triggered. If your Award has a judging process, Admin users must ensure this date is set after all judging is complete, as deleted assets can not be retrieved. This is why it would be beneficial to set the date a minimum of 3 months after the submission date.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Awards
  3. Select the relevant Award and click Edit
  4. Scroll down to the Remove Media Items from Entries section
  5. Set a date and a time
  6. Click Save & Close

Note – If you wish to inform entrants about the Media Items deletion process, you can set up three different types of email warning messages. Please review this guide to see how to manage email templates.

  • mediaitem/removewarn7 – will be sent to all admins of the award 7 days before the removal
  • mediaitem/removewarn24 – will be sent to all admins of the award 24 hours before the removal
  • mediaitem/removednotify – will be sent to all admins of the award 1 hour after the deletion

Important Note – a Read-Only version of Media Items is available to Users when:

  • An Entry Owner is changed to a new Organisation, so they will still be able to see Media Items;
  • An Entry is shared using the Entry Sharing functionality. In this scenario, Media Items can be seen by Users who do not belong to the same organisation as the Entry Owner.

Additional Media Library Functionality