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Managing your Invoice List

Your Invoice List, by default, is a chronologically descending list of all your invoices (and Credit Notes ) from ALL your Awards. This is to enable your Admins to compile and download Reports that round up all of your invoicing in total. However, there are plenty of filtering options on the list to enable you to drill down on a variety of bases.

Note – Discrepancies may exist between the Total Net and Gross figures on the Dashboard and those in the Invoice List. The basis for this is:

  • The Dashboard Total rounds up decimals.
  • The total in the Invoice List only considers the displayed invoices on the page. So, if only 300 invoices are visible, the total will reflect this number.

How to Access the Invoice List Page

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Invoices. The Invoice List page will open. You will see different columns:
  • Invoice ID – as each invoice is created it is issued with an ID number in the same method as video and Entry Forms. This number only pertains to invoices. Number 1 is issued to the first invoice that was created and this increases by 1 for each invoice generated regardless of the project.
  • Invoice number – Finance teams generally issue their own code for each invoice which allows them to track the invoice over several systems. This number is entered on the Awards settings page. Searching using this number will permit users to locate the invoice on this page. You can use the drop down below to switch between invoices and credit notes, or both.
  • PO number – A PO number is added by Entrants during the payment process. It is not mandatory for them to add this to their invoice. Once the invoice has been generated only Finance Admin Users can amend the PO number.
    If selected, and the Entrant is submitting multiple Entries, the pop-up will ask if they would like to include the full list of Entries on the invoice. 
  • Organisation – This is the organisation that created the invoice. You can filter by organisation.
  • Created by – You can search for a user’s name.
  • Invoice date – This is the date that the invoice was generated. You have the option to filter between two dates.
  • Award – This is the Award for which the invoice has been generated.
  • Discount Code – This column will display a discount code, if any was set up.
  • Status – this is the status of the invoice. It can be:
    • UNPAID – All unpaid invoices are yet to be paid or may have paid offline but have not been marked as paid by a finance user.
    • PAID ONLINE – Invoices that are paid by credit/debit card are automatically marked as paid online. When an invoice has been marked as paid the systems emails a receipt to the Entrant.
    • PAID OFFLINE – Invoices marked paid offline have been marked as paid by finance Users. When an invoice has been marked as paid the systems emails a receipt to the Entrant.
  • Net total – The total amount of revenue of all invoices present on screen excluding VAT.
  • Gross total – The total amount of revenue of all invoices present on screen including VAT.
  • Posted? – Used by finance Users to indicate if the invoice has been posted to their systems.

How to Use the Action Menu on the Invoice List Page

Alongside each invoice, there is an Action menu with different options. These differs depending on the Status of the Invoice, as well as the type of Invoice or Credit Note.

Here below you can find a list of all the options available.

List of Actions for Invoices

To see this, please filter “Only Invoices” from the drop-down menu under the second column.

If you filter “Unpaid” as a Status, the Action Menu will give you these options:

  • Details – from this page you will be able to see the invoice’s main details. You will also be able to see the History of the Payment, change the PO number, Regenerate Paperwork, and add internal notes to the invoice, if required.
  • View Invoice – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • Mark as Paid
  • Archive – this will allow Admins to archive invoices to keep the list short. To filter archived invoices, at the top of the page, look for the “Show” menu. Choose “Only Archived” from the drop-down.
  • Revoke Invoice
  • Issue Credit Note

If you filter “Paid Offilne” as a Status, the Action Menu will give you these options:

  • Details – from this page you will be able to see the invoice’s main details. You will also be able to see the History of the Payment, change the PO number, Regenerate Paperwork, and add internal notes to the invoice, if required.
  • View Invoice – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • View Receipt – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • Issue Credit Note
  • Resend Receipt – to resend the Entrant the PDF of the invoice

If you filter “Paid Online” as a Status, the Action Menu will give you these options:

  • Details – from this page you will be able to see the invoice’s main details. You will also be able to see the History of the Payment, change the PO number, Regenerate Paperwork, and add internal notes to the invoice, if required.
  • View Invoice – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • View Receipt – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • Archive – this will allow Admins to archive invoices to keep the list short. To filter archived invoices, at the top of the page, look for the “Show” menu. Choose “Only Archived” from the drop-down.
  • Issue Credit Note
  • Resend Receipt – to resend the Entrant the PDF of the invoice
  • View Stripe Payment – to see the Payment via Stripe via a direct link to your Stripe account

List of Actions for Credit Notes

To see this, please filter “Only Credit Notes” from the drop-down menu under the second column.

If you filter both “Unpaid” or “Paid Offline” as a Status, the Action Menu will give you these options:

  • Details – from this page you will be able to see the credit note’s main details. You will also be able to see the History of the Payment, change the PO number, Regenerate Paperwork, and add internal notes to the invoice, if required.
  • View Credit Note – to review the PDF of the invoice
  • Mark as Paid
  • Archive – this will allow Admins to archive invoices to keep the list short. To filter archived invoices, at the top of the page, look for the “Show” menu. Choose “Only Archived” from the drop-down.

If you filter “Paid Online” as a Status, you will have the same options as above. The only different action that you can perform would be:

  • View Refund – to review the PDF of the Refund