Matching Entry Titles Report
Please note that this is an instance wide Configuration Value which needs to be switched on for your instance. If you would like to use this feature please create a Support Ticket.
Matching Entry Titles Explained
This feature, looks at all of the entry titles, each time an entry is saved, and runs an algorithm which determines if the entry title provided for one entry is a likely match for any of the other entry titles already submitted. This feature is useful for admin users who are interested in identifying duplicated entries.
It should be noted that two entries might have the same or very similar entry titles but are completely different entities, which is why this solution highlights the likely duplicates and then gives admin users the power to take action.
How to Enable Entry Title Comparison
To enable this functionality that compares the titles of Entries a flags any potential duplicates, please go to:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Misc
- Scroll down to the System Administration section
- Select Configuration Values
- Enter ‘Entry Title Comparison‘ in the first column
- Click Edit
- In the field value, enter ‘Yes‘
- Click Save & Close
How to Use Matching Entry Titles
When the functionality is switched on for your instance you will see the following:
- The functionality only makes comparisons between entry titles. This is the question that is set as 1 on the question list for the Entrant Dashboard during award setup.
- Each time an entry is saved all the entry titles, regardless of submission state will be compared. Entries with no title will be ignored. If the algorithm determines there is a percentage match, then this will be displayed both on the entry list and then the parings are displayed on the Matching Entry Titles dashboard, along with the percentage.
- To View the dashboard at any time go to Actions Menu and select Entries. This will take you to the Entry List. There is a button on the top right of the page called View Matching Entry Titles. Click on the button to view the dashboard.
- The dashboard lists the matching entries in pairs, so an entry might be part of multiple pairings, if there are multiple entries with similar titles.
- Once an entry has been flagged as matching admin users can decided to take action, for example admin users can determine if the entries are the same and either flag them as a duplicate or contact the entrants and unsubmit one of the entries. If you decide to switch on this functionality then BAFTA Tech Support teams can assist in setting up the workflow steps that will assist in managing your award.
- In the Matching Entry Title table there are several features that will assist admin users in managing the matched.
- Actions Menu:
- Edit nomination – takes the admin user to the entry page
- Delete – deletes the entry
- Shred – shreds the entry and all data is removed from the logs
- Email entrant – sends an email to the entrant
- Resolve – Use this feature when you have reached a conclusion about the pairing and to remove the flag that the paring has a matching entry title. The system will request a reason which will be logged next to the pairing along with the name of the admin user who resolved the pairing. Note once resolved the pairing will turn green and is moved to the bottom of the table.
- Unresolve – This feature only appears on resolved matches and can be used in the case of a pairing being marked as resolved by mistake. This will return the matching pair to their original state and the resolved reason is hidden.
- Actions Menu:
Note – that the Resolved and unresolved reasons are listed on both entries Activity Logs. To view the activity logs, go to the Actions Menu located to the right of each entry and select View Activity. A list of all activity will be displayed.
Note – that this function is for guidance and an entry being flagged as matching does not affect it being approved or viewable by judges.