Measuring Submitted vs Unsubmitted Entries
If your Award project is currently open for entries, you can check the percentage of Submitted entries versus Unsubmitted entries at a glance on your Dashboard. This can be very useful to help you forecast the number of entries you may achieve, and therefore potential revenue (if you are charging for entry).
You may also use this to decide which, if any, Categories need to receive an Entrant Mailout to encourage and chase up more completed submissions
To access this display:
-Go into the particular Award project you want to view by selecting it in the project selector drop-down just to the left of the main Actions drop-down menu
-Once you are in the required Award project, go to the Actions drop-down menu and click on Dashboard
-Your Dashboard will open. Scroll down beneath the ‘All Entries’ section and you will find the Entries broken down into Submitted and Unsubmitted (and Approved, if applicable) for each category on a series of bar charts.