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Options for setting Finance Reports

There are a number of different presets you can use to run Finance Reports to fit your needs.

  1. Go to Actions > Misc
  2. From the Miscellaneous functions table, click on Invoice Data Export.
  3. The Invoice Data Export page opens. There are a number of fields to complete in order to drill down on your reporting selection.
  4. To set the correct time parameters – fill in the Created After and Paid After fields as you require. You can enter these dates in the fields provided, using the calendar selectors provided. Alternatively, you can click on the Yesterday/This Month/Last Month/This Voting Season preset links.
  5. Select an Award from the drop-down. This will in turn populate the corresponding field that shows the default Invoice Number Start.
  6. From the Type field select whether you want to report on Invoices, Credit Notes or Any (both).
  7. Select the Status of invoices you want to report on – whether Paid, Unpaid or Any (both).
  8. Keep Award Company Code and Award Classification Code set to Any.
  9. You can now select from one of four preset Export Format variants – listed A – D – to determine the Columns that will be included on your report. As you scroll through the Variants on the dropdown, the columns to be featured in each will be listed under the header Export Columns.
  10. When you have selected your preferred Variant, click Download and your report will be generated and become available to download once complete.