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Advancing Entries to a Later Stage

There are several ways to advance long- or short-listed entries to a later round. One such method is to create a new round as a separate project. This is suitable especially if you are not asking entrants for any additional questions in the next round. This process essentially involves creating a clone of your original award project, to which you only copy your short-listed entries from the original.

To action this process, there are 5 key steps you should be following:

  1. Copying the Award
  2. Checking the Email Templates
  3. Checking the Categories
  4. Bulk copying and creating instant entries
  5. Setting up Viewers

Step 1: Copying the Award

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Awards
  3. Select the relevant Award
  4. Click on Actions>Copy
  5. The copied version of your orginal Award will open. You will now need to edit some key settings as follows:
  6. Internal and Display names: update both. Please note that they must be unique and different from the original Award. We recommend you use something that will be understood by your Viewers. For example: <Awards Name> 2022 Final Jury Round
  7. Active question: set to No. In this way, it will be hidden from the Entrant’s Dashboard. On the Admin Interface, when you go to Actions>Awards, please always make sure to filter the Show menu to ‘Both’ in order to see both inactive and active Awards
  8. Show Entries on Entrant Dashboard question: set to No. In this way, you prevent users from seeing they have advanced before you have announced it
  9. Open, Create and Submit dates questions: set an ideal date that enables enough time for you to Copy all of the entries across
  10. Keep Pay Date, Closed Message and Delete Data dates as they were
  11. Scroll down to the Viewing section
  12. Edit the Require Scores and Comments to be Submitted question as you need
  13. Scroll down to the Pricing section
  14. Alongside the Requires Payment? question choose No payment. This will prevent advancing entries being (re) invoiced
  15. Click Save & Close

Step 2: Checking the Email Templates

It is very important that before you attempt to copy any of your advancing entries across to your new ‘Award’, you must disable certain Email Templates that may be triggered by your actions. This is to ensure that the entrants are not informed automatically of their advancement ahead of any announcement you plan to make.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Select Email Templates from the Email Management section. Please note that you will need to amend these 4 templates:


  1. Go to the relevant template and click Default in the Edit Template column
  2. Go to the Enabled setting and switch this to No
  3. The selected template is now disabled

Step 3: Checking the Categories

Depending on what has changed from your first round of judging, you may need to edit your Categories. There could be two different scenarios you might want to consider:

a) If your judging format, rules and/or jury Viewers have changed, you may have to edit the CMS for each Category on the Viewing Portal. Please do as follows:

  1. Go to Actions>Categories
  2. Click Edit alongside the Category you want to edit
  3. To edit the title, amend the Name field
  4. To edit the Viewing Portal Category Intro, scroll down to the Viewing Portal section
  5. Amend the Viewing portal intro (full) field as required
  6. Click Save & Close

b) If you use scoring for your judging, you MUST re-set these for the new round:

  1. Go to Action>Categories
  2. Click Edit alongside the Category you want to edit
  3. To edit the Scores and Commenting, scroll down to the Scoring with Viewing section
  4. Amend these fields as required
  5. Click Save & Close

Step 4 – Bulk copying and creating instant entries

With all of the round-specific settings confirmed in your new round, you can now copy your advancing entries across to it and automatically Approve them for Viewing.

  1. Go to Action>Entries
  2. Make sure you select your original Award from the dropdown menu at the top of the page
  3. Filter your full Entry List as required (eg. by Category)
  4. In the far left Action column, select Copy
  5. Checkboxes will appear alongside each entry
  6. Select each of the entries to advance
  7. Once ready, click the OK button at the top of the column
  8. A pop-up will appear, displaying the following:
  • The list of entries you have selected – Please check
  • A dropdown from which to select the award or round you are advancing these entries to – Please select your new copied Award
  • An option to Choose the Status For the Copied Entries:
    a) Select Unsubmitted if you need the entrants to supply more info
    b) Select Submitted if you don’t need them to supply more info BUT do still want to pre-screen the entries before sharing them with your Viewers
    c) Select Approved if you want the entries to advance as they are and are Viewer-ready
    d) Select As Existing if the entries are currently in a variety of statuses and you want each of these to preserved when they land in the new round.
  1. Type I AM SURE to confirm this and click Continue
  2. Your selected entries will now be advanced to the Entry List of your new round or award

Step 5: Setting up Viewers

Now that your advancing Entries are in your new round, you simply need to re-allocate them to your required jury groups.

a) Existing Viewers
You can use the Bulk Assign tool to assign additional Categories to existing Viewers. Please follow this guide to see how to do this. Once actioned, these new round Categories will be assigned to your Viewers’ existing accounts on the Viewing portal.

Note – Existing Viewers will NOT receive an email notifying this – the Viewer/Welcome email is only generated for NEW Viewers. If you would like to use Nucleus to inform them of their new categories, you can use the Entrant Mailout functionality – and filter according to Viewers, the new Award/Round and Categories. Please review this guide to see how to use it.

Note 2 – Your Viewers’ previous round Categories will, by default, still be available for them to view on their Viewing Portal Dashboard. However, their Scores and Comments will be locked. As long as they Submitted them, Viewers will NOT be able to change or delete them in error. Only Admin Users can give permission for them to edit and re-submit previously submitted scores and comments.
If you want to remove these previous rounds from their Dashboard, please do as follows:

  1. Go to Actions>Awards
  2. Find your original Award/round
  3. Click Actions>Edit
  4. Scroll down to the Viewing section
  5. To the setting Viewing Enabled select No

The categories from that award/round will no longer be viewable on your Viewers’ Dashboards. However, the data from them will remain intact, and can be instantly recalled to the Viewers’ Dashboards by simply adjusting this Viewing Enabled setting to Yes.

b) New Viewers
If you are adding any new Viewers to your new round, you can add them by using the Bulk Create process described here.