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Release Notes: November 2020

Dear ,
Welcome to our latest Release Notes Newsletter, highlighting some of the recent additions and developments made to BAFTA’s Nucleus software. These have included:

New Phone Number and Pick List question types

Enhanced Video checks, controls and displays

Customised entrant contact options

Enhanced Viewing navigation and filters

Additional Finance report information

Upgraded security

You are receiving this Newsletter because either you, or members of your team, are Admin users of Nucleus. If you would prefer not to receive it, have a colleague who you think should be included on the mailing list or would just like to share your feedback and thoughts please do so by sending us an email.

Best wishes and stay safe,

David Lortal – Product Manager
Nick Boocock – Account Manager

New Features And Improvements

New Phone Number Question Type
We have added a new Phone Number question type for use when building your question form. This will make it easier for your entrants to answer questions requiring phone numbers, by providing pre-set international dialling code options and allowing for insertion of different length numbers (therefore removing the onus from the Admin to set permissable lengths which entrants may unwittingly exceed). 

To use this option, when creating your questions go to the Type selector and scroll down to Phone Number

New Pick List Question Type
Replaces the previous ‘Combo’ option for Select questions where the entrant is allowed to select more than one answer from the options available. The Pick List is a user-friendly alternative, that you may recognise from the My Votes functionality in Nucleus’s Viewing site.

The entrant is presented with a number of options in an ‘Available‘ table on the left, from which they click on their choices to move them to the ‘Selected‘ table on the right. To de-select any from the Selected table, they simply click on them again. 

To use this option, when creating your questions go to the Type selector and scroll down to Select. If, once you get to the Max. Selected option you enter any number greater than ‘1’, the option to create this as a Pick List question will be available alongside the existing Checkboxes option.

Submission while video uploads
For awards that use Video questions to directly upload videos to the entry form (as opposed to Video Association/Management), we have adjusted the workflow so that entries can be submitted so long as the video upload has BEGUN, rather than waiting for it to be complete. The upload and transcode can continue in the background post-submission.

Video Management
Video Visibility Check Page
In case of any reports of a video unexpectedly not appearing on the viewing site, this new page gives Admins a check list of various criteria and possible reasons why. The check list outlines each of the stages of successfully uploading a video, and marks them with a tick or cross – therefore empowering the Admin to determine whether a video has passed all the necessary checks, or whether it has failed for technical reasons. 

You can access this page via:
Actions > Videos
-Alongside each video, go to the Actions drop-down in the far right column and select Visibility Check.

Video Viewability Dates Selector
With respects to embargoed release dates, this function empowers Entrants to set specific date windows within which a video can be viewed on the Viewing site. 

Admins can decide on a per-award basis whether they want to activate this feature. To do so:
– Go to Actions > Awards
– Find the Award on the Awards List, and click on Actions>Edit in the right hand column
– On the Edit Existing Award page, scroll down to the Viewing section 
– To the option Allow videos to be date restricted on the viewing site select ‘Yes

Once Admins set this to Yes, Entrants will be able to select these dates when creating their video association (or leave blank if not applicable). The respective dates will then appear on the Entry List alongside the video association.

As an Admin, you have the power to override these dates by adjusting them on the Entry List. This is also a useful way for you to ensure that a video is unpublished at a particular date and time if the Entrant does not select any dates themselves (for example, you can do this to prevent videos being viewed after the Viewing deadline has passed).

 Tabulation On The Video Association Page
Essentially an Entrant-facing update, this improves the appearance of the Video Association interface by presenting it in a tabulated format – incorporating the above-mentioned Viewability Dates.


Email Entrant 
The Email Entrant feature enables Admins to contact a particular entrant individually with a specific query about their entry. (This is an alternative to the established Entrant Mailout feature which enables Admins to contact groups of Entrants in bulk with the same general query).

Email Entrant uses the entryissue/GLOBAL email template, which is set to contain the minimum of information, while the Admin enters the specific message details each time via the following method:
– Go to Actions > Entries
– Find the Entry you wish to query on the Entry List and from the right hand Actions drop-down select Email Entrant
-The page Edit Email opens, on which the Admin can type their specific message
-Click Send

Terms & Conditions Disclaimer Check
If required, you can now make your Viewers check a Disclaimer box to confirm they have read and will abide by any Terms & Conditions you set before they are allowed to view any of their assigned entries.

This Disclaimer will appear at the bottom of the Viewing Ts & Cs upon each Viewer’s first login to the Viewing site. If they do not check the box, they will not be able to view the content. Once checked, it will not appear again for them in that award.

You can switch this feature On/Off on a per award basis. 
To request this feature be made available to your Nucleus instance, please contact us. 

Alphabetical Navigation
There is now an A-Z navigation on the Viewing site, to enable ease of ordering and search between entries for Viewers. The navigation is split into the following alphabetised groupings: 


This appears at the top of each Category screen on the Viewing site, with the Viewer clicking on the required grouping to filter as required.

This feature can be switched On/Off on a per award basis. This is controlled on each Award set-up page, in the Viewing section via the option Alphabetical Navigation.

 Search Entries By Tags
If required, Viewers can now search for Entries on their Viewing Dashboard via tag (as well as by Category). On the Dashboard they will be able to enter the tag in a Search bar that says ‘Search all categories for‘.

The Tags are set up by Admins, when they create Select questions. Upon creating a Select question, you will be presented with a new option ‘Is a Tag?‘ Answering ‘Yes‘ to this will enable each of the possible answers provided to that Select question to be available as a searchable tag on the Viewing site. 

Admins can switch this feature On/Off on a per award basis via the Awards set-up page.

Finance Settings
Reverse VAT Charge For Non-UK Entrants
Nucleus customers whose awards charge for entries now have the option of preventing UK VAT being added to invoices for entrants who are based outside the UK.

This feature can be switched On/Off on a per award basis. To activate it for an award:
– Go to Actions > Awards
– From your Awards list, find your Award/s you would like to switch it on for and click Edit in the Actions drop-down at the right hand side.
– The Award settings page opens. Scroll down to the Pricing section. Here you will find a new option ‘Allow reverse charge VAT’. Simply toggle this to Yes or No, as you require.
– Save and CloseEach new Entrant will now, if upon registering with your site select their Country as anything other than the UK, be asked an additional question ‘Are You VAT Registered?‘ If they answer ‘Yes‘, they will be asked to enter their own domestic VAT number, which will then make them exempt from paying UK VAT. 

Existing Entrants can also apply this change to their account by going to the Account Details page. 

If you charge for entries and would like to apply this feature to your instance of Nucleus, please contact us and specify whether you would like it to apply to non-UK companies, individuals or both.

Additional Finance Information On Entry Download Report
It is now possible to include the following additional information about payment on the Entry Download Report (in Misc):Net AmountVAT AmountTotal amountDate paidTime PaidEntry discount (taken from the entry page)Number of Entries in InvoiceTo include this data, there is a new checkbox on the Entry Download Report called Include Full Finance Information

Additional Brute Force Protection
A reCAPTCHA checkbox – requesting you to select a series of images containing a common item (eg. a bridge, a car) from a grid of similar photographs – will now appear after 5 failed login attempts within 90 seconds. 

 Two-Factor Authentication Upgrade For The Viewing Site
Two-Factor Authentication can be developed as an upgrade for your Viewing site. 

If you would like us to scope and cost this for you, please contact us to find out more

Current Compatabilities
With the increasing number of operating systems, browsers and their extenuatuing versions across the digital landscape, its important to keep a tab on compatability. As a valued customer of BAFTA Media Tech (BMT), please be assured that we strive to keep in step with such developments to ensure continued and equal access to Nucleus for all of your entrants and users.In the unusual instance that a user informs you they are unable to use the platform, you should then check whether their system or browser complies with this list and advise them to update where necessary.

The following list is accurate as of November 2020.
Operating Systems currently supported:Windows – 8.1, Windows 10 Home and ProMac OS – High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina
Browsers currently supported: Safari – Versions 12, 13, 14Mozilla Firefox – Versions 81.0.1, 78.3.1 ESRGoogle Chrome – Version 85Opera – Version 71.0.3770.171Microsoft Edge – 85.0.564.63