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Restoring an Entry to a Previous Version

Nucleus versioning allows Admins to restore an Entry to a previous state if a user has, for example, accidentally deleted a statement and saved a different comment instead. Each time an Entry is saved, Nucleus stores the changes on the Action Log. Therefore it is possible to restore the Entry back to any point it was saved by any User. Currently, only Administrators have access to this option, so it will need to be actioned by a site Admin if an Entrant contacts to ask about recovering data.
The functionality is sophisticated and it is possible to restore individual answers within a save, not just all answers that were edited.

On the version page you will see different answers in two columns on the table:

  • Current answer – this is what the question was updated to in the current save
  • Previous answer – this is what the question was in place for the previous save

When you restore the Entry, the previous answers are restored from each save.

Note – it is only possible to restore to saves made to Entries on or after the 1 August 2023 as this functionality was released on 31 July 2023.

How to Restore an Entry

To restore an Entry to a previous version, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Entries
  3. Make sure the correct Award is selected from the Award dropdown and then filter for the Entry
  4. Hover over the Entries Action Menu and select View Activity
  5. In the Message column, filter for Edited
  6. Locate the save you wish to restore and click on View Changes
  7. Click on the Restore to previous version button
  8. Select the Questions you wish to restore by selecting the checkboxes or click Select All to select all of the answers
  9. If you wish to exclude Questions that have since been updated in a later save than this version, check the box Do not restore if a newer version than this current answer exists
  10. Click Restore and a message will confirm that the Entry has been updated
  11. If the Entry is currently open, you will need to Refresh. Clicking Save will only overwrite the answers again with the data currently on screen

Note – When the answers have been restored it is advised that you close the current tab and/or window in which the Entry is open and open the Entry in a new tab. Saving or refreshing will save all the answers currently open overwriting the changes made in the restore process.