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Restricting Admin Award Access for Secure Voting and Viewing Set-Up

Admins can set up future Voting and Viewing rounds ahead of nominations and to ensure prompt access to content as soon as the announcement has been made. However, maintaining confidentiality before the official announcements is vital. To support secure pre-nomination setup, a feature has been introduced which allows Admin Access Restriction to Awards during this period.

This feature allows only authorised Super Admin to define access for all Admin Users during the setup period, safeguarding sensitive data until the official announcement. By implementing these restrictions, teams can fully configure and test the system in advance without exposing confidential information.

This guide outlines how to set up access restrictions, ensuring a secure and organised nomination process. Follow the steps below to maintain control over who can access nomination information until the appropriate time.

How to Enable the Admin Award Access Restriction Feature

The feature is set up on a per Awards basis. Admins can set a date for the restriction period and only Super Admin Users who have access to the restricted Award can add or remove other Admins. To protect the Award there must be a minimum of one Super Admin User with access so that the Award can be administered. To enable the feature a Configuration Value must first be enabled.

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Click on Configuration Values in the System Administration section
  4. Search for Restrict Admin Access to Awards
  5. Click Edit
  6. Change the Value to Yes
  7. Click Save
  8. Go to Actions>Awards
  9. Select Edit in the Actions Menu for the relevant Award
  10. Set Restrict admin access to this award to Yes
  11. Choose an End Date for the restriction
  12. Remove any Admin Users who should not have access to the Award by clicking on Remove in the table
  13. Click Save

How to set up the Email Templates

There are two new email templates which are activated as part of this feature which will need setting up. For more information on managing email templates please read the guide.

  • admin/removedFromAward – sent to Admin Users when they are removed from an Award
  • admin/awardProtectionRemoved – sent to the Admin Users who have access to the Award when the end date is reached

It is not mandatory to set up the template but recommended for security and communication purposes.