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Send an Email to Admins When a File is Uploaded to a Submitted Media Item Placeholder

When setting up the award admins can permit entrants to submit an entry with the intention to supply an asset at a later stage. There are a number of reasons where this might apply, for example if the film or television programme has not yet been released or if the entrant does not have immediate access to the asset. This allows entrants to complete their entry and for admin to begin the review processes. When the asset is finally supplied an email can be triggered to admin users allowing them to quickly identify and approve the entry.

How to set up the mediaItemPlaceholder/uploadDefault template

The template is managed in the same way as all other templates, for more information view the email template guide. The following guide will cover some of the features that are specific to this template

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Under the Email Management heading click on Email Tempates
  4. Search for mediaItemPlaceholder/uploadDefault
  5. Choose to either (both options covered in the email template guide):
    1. Edit the default
    2. Add an Award specific template
  6. Set the template to Enabled
  7. Add the admin users who should receive the notification in the BCC textbox, comma separated
  8. Check the Send to BCC only box – the email is designed to send to admins only but you can send to entrants if you wish
  9. Add the subject and body copy as required and the following special values were created specifically for this template to identify the updated entry:
    1. @@mediaItemTitle@@ – will display the title of the media item
    2. @@mediaItemId@@ – will display the ID of the media item
    3. @@entryTitles@@ – will display the the name of all entries the media item is lined to
  10. Click Save
  11. Go to Actions>Question List
  12. Located the Media Library Item question where the placeholder will be attached and click Edit
  13. Under question parameters set Required? to Yes – allow placeholders
  14. A dropdown will appear called Placeholder upload email template
  15. Select the relevant email template from the list
  16. Click Save