Setting up New and Existing Viewers (Judges) for Subsequent Awards
After your Judging processes are complete for the current Awards cycle, your Viewers’ accounts will remain in the Viewers section of your Nucleus instance – complete with the permissions for your previous Award.
If you intend to use these Judges again for your next Awards, you can add the permissions to their existing Viewer account, but they will NOT receive the viewer/welcome email notifying them of this.
Therefore, as best practice we recommend that with each new Award cycle you clear your existing Viewer accounts and create them again – ensuring that previous and new Judges alike receive the necessary invites to receive the invite to view their newly assigned Award and Categories.
So, once you are ready to assign your Judges to your new Award:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Viewers
- Click on the Download button above the Viewers List
- The list of your current Judges will be exported to a .csv spreadsheet, which you should save to keep a hold of the key data you may need to use (some of) these Judges again eg. email address, first name, last name
- Click on the Bulk Delete button above your Viewers List
- On the Bulk Viewer Deletion screen, select the batches of judges you want to delete and click Delete Viewers
- Type the unique code into the box alongside the word ‘Confirm’
- Click Delete viewers
- The selected Viewers will be deleted. You should now proceed to repeat the Bulk Create process – adding entirely new Viewers and previous Viewers (from the .CSV spreadsheet created above) as you require.
Note – When you’re using the Bulk Delete option you will only be able to delete Batches. If a Viewer appears in more than one batch and you wish to bulk delete that Viewer, please note that they will only be removed from that specific batch. Viewers will be fully deleted only if they are in a single batch.