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Turn Off the Download Button for Audio Files in the Viewing Interface

By default, judges are given the option to stream and download audio files in the Viewing Interface. Nucleus allows admins to turn off the download button and therefore only provides judges with the option to stream the audio files within the user interface.

Note – this option only removes the button from the UI. It is not a security feature that will prevent judges form downloading the audio. Audio in Nucleus is not encrypted.

How to Turn Off the Download Button for Audio Files

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Misc
  3. Scroll to the System Administration section
  4. Click on Configuration Values
  5. Search for Allow Audio Downloads
  6. Click Edit in the right column
  7. Delete the Yes text in the Value text box
  8. Click Save & Close
  9. The download buttons for audio will no longer appear in the Viewing Interface