Videos Troubleshooting Guide
This guide is designed to equip Admins with the tools and strategies needed to troubleshoot video upload and streaming issues.
The video upload in Nucleus is a two-stages process:
- Stage 1: The Entrant uploading the video into the Media Library in Nucleus.
- Stage 2: The transcoding of the video file into a streaming format.
Please note that both stages must be complete for a video to be viewable on the Viewing portal.
How to Check the Status of a Video File
To check whether a video has successfully completed both stages, please:
- Log into the Admin Interface
- Go to Actions>Media Items. The Media Items list opens
- Use the filters to search for the file you require
- When you find the video file, check the Status from the relevant column. See the Media Library guide for more details
Upload Issues
There might be occasions where Users flag that either:
- They are unable to upload a file
- The upload is stuck at 0%, or at another percentage
Since the file hasn’t been uploaded it is not possible to check whether there are any issues with the source file.
There are a few steps that Admins can take to understand whether it is a temporary issue on the Entrants’ end. For example, asking the User to:
- Use another browser
- User another device
- Use another network
If the User is still unable to upload the video after these attempts, please ask the Entrant to send Admins the source file, and try to upload it on their end. If Admins also struggle to upload the file, please submit a support ticket.
Transcoding Issues
At times, a video file is successfully uploaded into the Media Library but for some reasons the transcoding process fails.
In the case of Error, it may be helpful to try and reset the status of the video:
- Go to Actions>Media Items. The Media Items list opens
- Use the filters to search for the file you require
- Once located, click on “Reset Status”
Note – If the error persists, there must be an issue with the HLS version, so please raise a support ticket.