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How to Manage Entries Using the Mass Actions Functionality

The Mass Actions feature for entries can be used to manage your entries in bulk and potentially save you and your team hours of work. It enables admins to select multiple entries within an Award and apply bulk changes to entries.

  • Before mass actions can be made, the feature must be turned on, per award
  • The functionality can be found on the Entry List Checking Table

How to Turn the Mass Actions feature on per Award

Please follow these steps to switch it on:

  1. Log into the Admin Interface
  2. Go to Actions>Awards
  3. The Awards List appear. Select the Award where you wish to turn on the Mass Actions feature
  4. Go to Actions>Edit
  5. The Edit existing award appears. Scroll down to the Options section
  6. Find Allow mass actions for entries, and select Yes in the dropdown
  7. Click on Save. The award is now set for Mass Actions functionality.

How To Use the Mass Actions on the Entry Table

This functionality can be used to action different things from the Entry Table list, where all your entries/applications sit.

  1. Go to Actions>Entries. The Entry list page will appear
  2. The Mass Actions feature is found on the top left of Entry List Table, under the Action menu
  3. An admin can make the following changes:
  1. Checkboxes will appear to the left of all entries. Either select:
  • All located under the menu and X will appear in the check boxes that appear to the left of the entries
  • Select individual entries to bulk update by clicking on the check boxes to the left of the required entries
  1. After the selection, click on the OK button in the top left of the table
  2. A lightbox will appear which will list the categories you have selected to update and some specific options may be available to you depending on the option selected
  3. Type I AM SURE
  4. Click on Continue. The selected action will be performed

Note – there might be occasions where the changing of status process (approve, submit, unsubmit) goes wrong and there’s an error that pops up: Status change error: mismatched action / entry status. If it happens, do as follows:

  1. Look for the entry
  2. Click on Actions>Clear status change error. Entries will automatically be updated